Bike cops should be on flat-black, heavily-silenced bikes…
Maybe in the pizza business there is a trend, however, it is not the case in restaurants… the upper class people tip well only if you allow them to treat you like the scum-of-the-universe and you are their personal servant because you wait tables, otherwise they tip you shit… poor people are at least nice and not needy, even though they tip poorly, and if they DON’T tip poorly that means that they used to be in the restaurant business. Middle class people flip either way, either they treat you like dog shit because they THINK they are in an upper class restaurant, or they are nice and tip you good too. Just really depends.
OK, so I’m trying to go to CCAC in January…
First they tell me that I HAVE to see a student advisor before I can register for classes… WTF for? I don’t know. So I see him, and he starts trying to register me for a ton of classes, and I’m like WTF? Can’t I register online? and he’s like “Yeah, so what do you need me for?” I’m like “I have no idea! See ya later!”. Then I try to register online today, and they say “Oh, you are a first-time student, you have to register with a student advisor” OMG… then they only have evenings on WEDNESDAYS now… but I have to work @ Johnny C’s every Wednesday, and I’m not about to call off for a stupid ass student advisor. So I call the guy that I originally met with (who apparently knows my step-mother-in-law)… and here starts the next fucking saga…
Took my placement test, did good in english and reading, scored just below college level math. Call the guy today to schedule classes, and they tell me I scored a 27 in math and I have to take MAT-080 (basically it’s what I took in the 6th fucking grade)… WTF??? I told the guy that there is NO way I scored that bad, because the lady the night I took my test told me that I scored just below college level math. So he says “Well that’s what you scored, the only thing you can do it re-take the test”. Fine, whatever… the next evening test that I am already off that day is NOVEMBER 29… so by the time I take that, ace it, and register, the internet courses will probably be full, and I won’t be able to take the class that I fucking want anyways, all because some douchebag secretary typed my test score into the computer wrong, and there is no way to look it up, and I can’t find the sheet that they gave me that says I did much better than a 27. Even the lady on the phone was like “Yeah, that’s unusual that you scored a 93 in reading and a 87 in English and a 27 in math…”.
No fucking shit… :mad: this is becoming more of a hassle than it’s worth.
CCAC is a bitch to deal with… im there now. My classes suck, the advisors suck, and I’m going nowhere in life.
on anotehr harley note, on my way to wasting my life away at the mall today i watched a harley guy go between two lanes of traffic at a light to try to get to the front, and when traffic started moving around him he put up the middle finger at some guy and continued to bitch him out. all while riding a motorcyle with no helmet.
theres a straight away in front of our house, late at night there is a harly that does this flyby, and scares the shitr out of us. me and wifey will be sound asleep, and around 2am he does it. we practically jump out of bed
thats what they make stainless steel wire and trees for
Jenn… you going to Boyce? The faculty + admin there are all half-retarded. If you don’t mind the drive, register your Boyce classes through North campus… and if you REALLY don’t mind the drive, go to North campus. North campus is the Courvoisier of community colleges. Plasma screen TVs in the lobby… aww yeah…
I don’t even have enough time to make it back into the boyce campus to meet w/ the advisor and register for classes, he has to forge my signature on the stuff so that I can register over the phone… I’m taking mostly internet courses for now, so the location of the campus is irrelevant.
I got to North. No plasma screens…
Been going there for 3 years…
except for the news tickers when you walk in… but there isnt any television shows shown on them
CCAC northsiiiiiiiiide! you get the human freakshow down there.
they’re still using them for that shit? they could have just put two more billboards up and saved a few thousand dollars.
they need to stop running busses to CCAC North before it becomes Shithole #2. 75% of the bus people at CCAC do nothing other than clog the building and watch TV in the student lounge.
ccac south is where it’s at. I only have 1 more semester and I finally will have my associate degree. :weak:
fuck harley’s and their retarded owners.
I grew up racing dirtbikes and this past year I bought a suzuki katana 600 because the gas prices were rediculous. Now I wear my helmet and consider myself pretty safe on the bike. But some of the harley guys are out of control. They think they are too cool to wear a helmet and that they do not have to obey traffic laws. What are they thinking?
“dollar drafts tonight, and misty’s bringin’ the blow.”
I actaully think CCAC allegheny was the best place for me after going to central. It definetly diversified me a bit more in the friends that i had. CCAC north = a bunch of rich dumb fucks. The kids that came down from north to play baseball were all spoiled brats. well most of them.
Cut the harley off problem solved!
I go to CCAC north, and take night classes… like every night class the students are a little older than me and care waaaay more about doing well in the class. Therefore if I need help, I just go up to the school early and find a buunch of them studying together and comparing notes in the lounge… The type of people in your classes really depends on when the class is.
I took daylight classes before and it was all highschool kids being bused in or immature fucks who were at school because they had no other choice- not because they cared.
I suppose this is how it is everywhere- so from now on, I will take night classes.
Yeah, most of my classes will be night classes, thank god…
Hmmm… I’m squinting to try to see the lines on the screen because I can’t zoom in enough and still see the whole line. Nahhhhh, we don’t need a bigger monitor. Hmmm… I generated a 1.5GB results file and about 3GB total in one day. Nahhhh, we don’t need a second hard drive.
Had to get on just to post this. Thanks for your time.
omG… i hate people… like seriously… how can you be so fucking helpless? how do you even remember to breathe? fucking stupid shit assholes… i really really really fucking hate poeple that think just beucase they’re too fucking stupid and lazy to actually try to resolve something, that it’s MY obligation to fix your problems… i’m sorry i’m paid to make things work, but that doesn’t mean i have to do you job… fucking deal with the bullshit… i know I DO>>> LOOK AT ME NOW BITCH… instead of doing MY JOB i’m doing YOURS…
god damnit… it makes me wonder how people so fucking lazy can be hired… i’m confused… you were hired to SUPPORT people yet you can’t even fucking MAKE LOGICAL DECISIONS… i mean come ON!!!. arrrrhhhhhggggg god damn it.
my stress level is so fucking high justbecause i want to kil motherfuckers… not because i can’t do my job, or my job is hard, or i can’t educate myself and figure someting out… it’s b ecause of YOU… you are a waste to this company… DIAF and do us all a favor … i’ll take an extra 8 seconds from my day and do YOUR JOB as long as you agree to quit and never contact me for the rest of your life…
also, what tehf uck is up with poeple… if i’m in my office and pissed off looking AND ON THE FUCKING PHONE… do’nt talk to me… seriously, don’t even START to talk to me… i want nothing to do with you… actually, do me a favor and don’t ever talk to me again. i don’t care about your problems, your boss, your kids, your car or your life… fuck.
why do people think i care?