Dallas FTW

:lol :lol… absolutely!

They played better in their last games but the giants have time to rest now and get their shit together. They have played better then these teams earlier in the season and this break will help boost their morale

Right. Because the last almost 15 years of Dallas Failboys in the playoffs suggest that.

No because they are beat up, have ahd a pretty tough schedule and havent had a bye week since the beginning of the season thats rough on players in a physical sport.

The wildcard spot (IF Giants play that) is nearly a month away!?

Yes, with two important physical games and whateve team they play in the playoffs is going to be a tough team as well. Like I said its a long road ahead.

The Vikins are not playing that wel. Their beating up on crap teams. Theyve beat about 2 teams with a winning record all year. Give the Giants a game against the Packers or Lions right now and they will win too.

yup, one and done is a term coined for the cowboys of the last 15 years, please dont use that term for the Giants especially when you dont know who is going to be healthy in 3 weeks.

Go LIONS!!! :umm

ive been a Dallas fan since ive known what football was…not saying there the best but there my team

did you grow up in texas? did a member of the family play for the c’boys before?.. I don’t understand how people can be born and raised in NY and become a c’boys fan. Most c’boy fans my age became one when they were kicking ass in the 90s and stuck with it til now… front-running fags!

giants fan since the 80s!

nope born and raised in good ol NY…i started watching football when i was like 6 so that was 94…

One of the many differences between NY Giants / Dallas:

Giants = Fine/suspend and probably drop Plax
Cowboys = Sign PacMan and allow him back after long suspension

yeah… they won the super bowl in '92 and '93. Wonder why you decided to pick them…hmmm…

it was the cool thing to do in 1st grade.

dude i was 6 come on now

you aren’t 6 anymore…

cant abandon a team just cause they’ve had some rough times

oh, it’s too late for you now, but you had plenty of time to realize the mistake you made and fix it. Now you’re fucked and we don’t want you on our side. ;D