dam uggs!!!!!!

ok so my gf wants these things, uggs classic tall in sand size 7, like a day ago i found like 4 places online to get them i go to order then tonight after getting my wallet back from my dads truck and now i cant find them anywear. anyone know where i can find them

classic tall
size 7

not a discusion on if u like them or not, just need help finding them in the size style and color she wants. im fuckng pissed a day later and everyplace i had lined up are gone

these things fucking piss me off. not even 24 hours later and i fucking cant find this color and size and style anywhere,







not available

not available

not available

not available

not available

not to be a dick but did you even look at the site before linking them. all of them are out of stock or unavailable

dude do the good boyfriend thing you noob

Get her a gift card to the place that sells them and tell her that you didn’t want to get her the wrong thing and this way she could have way more fun shopping for them herself. Girls like that shit.

If they are out of stock now they will be back in a while just save yourself the hassle :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe Victoria’s Secret has them too

edit: they do: http://www2.victoriassecret.com/commerce/application/prodDisplay/?namespace=productDisplay&origin=onlineProductDisplay.jsp&event=display&prnbr=XG-174825&page=1&cgname=OSSHUDESUGG&rfnbr=3155



omg this is fucking getting me pissed, and no they arent availble till 1/15/07 at VS, less then 24 hours ago i found a bunch of them

did you try directly from Ugg?

not availble till 1/15/07 on the ugg site, they havent been for awhile but i foudn a bunch of places that had them still instock yesterday

this really pisses me off, i dont have my card on me so i cant order them i think no big deal ill get them tomorrow i found a bunch NOPE all gone, i fucking hate people. doesnt look like im finding them

how about u dont buy them for her because uggs fucking suck

side note - you could prolly find million long island broads with a size 7 at ub to mug and steal their shitty boots

eh im not in the mood for your jokes so save them

best bet is just keep checking everyday, call Tony Walker, they are a local distributor, see if they have them in stock or if they could possibly contact you if they do come in anytime soon in the color and size wanted… and just so there isnt any future frustration make sure you gf knows you have to go up a size in UGGs

edit: dont seem to be sold out here

awesome they seem to have them and im checking out with them now

i think i deserve a finder’s fee

edit: if you ever want something for a girl and can’t find it, best bet, Mrs. Karus <333 or myself will come to the rescue

i just hope they are the right size, thats the size she said, and she really wants them so i assume she knows what size to get. they are on there way payed for and all

i owe ya some beers or shots lol if i ever see you out again. are u even still at buckin buffalo?

no, i decided to ditch the daisy dukes, put on some fucking clothes and get my ass out to chippewa before 330am Haaaa…usually you cant find me at Liars any given saturday night…

aw, kev. :cry:

Hey kev i know someone who has a size 7 uggs, I require a 12 pack of sierra nevada pale ale to tell you where they are. OK???

paypal me 100 the price of the boot and ill venture NJ and NYC for you and find them…

the 100 will be for gas money :tspry: