damn porn popup spyware shit - comp help needed.

Originally posted by Darkstar

old kazaa > winmx

and bittorent has been slow as fuck lately.

thats because everyone that just found out about it downloads the ones with upload throttling, then their like me and set it to like 4k a sec and fuck everyone else downloading from them…

hell… comcast only has 30ksec upload speed… so if you downloading off someone that has like 4 other ppl downloading off him your not gonna get a good speed…

Its hard to find a good seed with a fast upload speed…

I was 6gig into a 8 gig file and file just died and said it couldnt be found or something… and I didnt do shit

AdAware works… but my buddy has another one, i forget the name of it… it supposedly cleans shit out real good…

that and I dont use IE anymore…

lol @ uniformed people

hit me up with specific questions if you have them…

Originally posted by 97GrandAMLD9

Thanks, it helped out my comp. too.