Damn Snakes!!

was up till 2 am last night searching for a snake in my house

walked down my steps and at the bottem i see a snake laying in front of my door

so i hurried up and ran up stairs and put my dog in another room

then walk back down and see it slide undneath the door into the garage!!

walk out search all over the place finally move the tool box and hear pop’s say
theres that bitch

so i get ahold of in with my handie dandy snap on tool retrival tool and get the snake into a bucket to find out what it really is!

look in sure enough a northern copperhead:
keep an eye out the rain must be flushing them out

oh to end the story walked out tossed the bitch onto the drive way and wacked teh lil basterds head off with a shovel!



not cool if you would have gotten bit

I wouldn’t have gotten past the steps if I saw a snake in my house… all you would hear is a blood curling scream.

good, i hate motherfuckin snakes. i hate gators too.

i wouldn’t have done that…

i’d have let it loose in Betrayed93’s Ex-girl’s house

my old man called me up, a snake on mom’s back porch while she was trying to plant flowers or some shit… so i head over there, and see this long ass black snake (3.8 ft w/o head :rofl: ) anyway… see this snake, so i chase it around like a little girl (don’t like snakes) and it won’t get off the porch, so i take the shovel route, chop a good line into his neck… so he’s bleeding and pissed. I continued to try to ‘shovel’ him off the porch as well as chopping at him again…

he got another wound and started flopping around… and eventually threw up 2 mice (nice site)… so i was sick of fucking around and just put the shovel on his neck and grabbed the tail and threw him about 15 yards into my parents backyard… he was alive and nasty, that fucker tried to bite me at least 10 times…

… case and point, i proceded to get the .45 outta the vw and unloaded 4 rounds into Mr. Black snake.

this was just last weekend, so i guess they are coming out of the woodwork with this nicer weather.

fuckin right man, bust a cap in them mofos

copperheads almost always have a diamond shape on their head and smell like cucumbers when ready to stike i’ve been killing and dealing with them since the early 80’s they can be very fast and they most definnetly deadly