dampish road +pedal happy prick = oh shit

i learned a valuable lesson tonight , as i was drivin down the northway tonight minding my own buisness some white civic 4dr with a i-vtec lettering on it gave me the bird and that angered me ,so i in turn floor it to get away from said tool well i then realized my car has a lot more power than it did and i pulled a smokin and it went very sideways ,once i let out of it the kid taunted me again i didnt learn and went sideways again .so the lesson of the day 4th camaro do blow it sideways :lol

my Cobalt will rape that shit ass Camaro

Yeh shit never happen

I call bullSHIT

who does this guy think he is

how fast were you going when you were ssssideways?!

bout 50 or so

cossey got it also in the leggy gt but i didnt spin then


were the ladies wet?

the roads were a little ,and my puckerhole did leak a little



Shits slooowwwwwww

this better be trapping at LEAST 116mph or else i won’t believe that it got sssssssssidewayssssssss ,

idk, that junk white civic pulled on wet roads fellas


who put that video up?

air ride texas fainboiz

LoL, there is a comment on there specifically for Joey

no shit its a video about his car :lol