Dan(RS240) my experience......resolution?

Well I just got off the phone with Dan (RS240) and for those of you who read the old thread there is some light at the end of the tunnel. It seems that Dan and I have had some misscomunication problems and our situation appears to be resolved. He will be covering the majority of the cost to get the car repainted. I dont want to get to in depth with what the other thread said.

This agreement was mutually agreed upon and I want everyone to know I have no problem with it and aslong as the car is properly repaired/painted Dan is a man of his word, and will keep his side of the deal to the best of his capabilities

I ask that this thread stay clean and there is no bashing whatsoever.

this is going to stay clean.

if i see ANYTHING off topic from ANYONE…

you are banned.

no question.


Be nice to danner. :bukkake:

Glad to hear of a resolution.

I obviously know neither side to the story. So I still have respect for MSSC and CSCS and TM and S1DC and ABC and FLOW and CIBC and MTV and all the numbers 0 through 1.

Who wouldnt respect them all they all rock…but whos S1DC? Im sure they rock but who are they?

respect to them and ACDC, and 241

Just go word S1DC is bing’s team…and word on the street is bing rocks so so does S1DC

Stage 1 Drift Crew for those still confused

And I’m happy you took it to private and got this resolved – thats exactly what I was hoping to see come of this!

Good to hear. Good on Dan and MSSC.

huh?? what does s1dc have to do with anything?

it might be because we are sooooo nice to everyone and that there is never a reason to hate or disagree with us except for the sake of arguing.

prolly cause i’m so wicked…

*one man hug


it might be because we are sooooo nice to everyone and that there is never a reason to hate or disagree with us except for the sake of arguing.

prolly cause i’m so wicked…

*one man hug


what are you… engaged to yourself!?

What? More drama on SON? And i missed out again.

Your avatar is more exciting then this was Marc :lol:


group hug?

Your avatar is more exciting then this was Marc :lol:

Andrew.[/quote]Yeah figures.

Overly dramatic ftl.