Let's Get Personal!

This should be fun.

So here’s my disclaimer, read this first, digest it, and move one.

I’m not Dan, I’m Matt. Yes, I’m from MSSC. Yes, I’ve started, mid-pointed and ended shit for years on this board.

But what I’m saying here is 100% personal. It in no way reflects the opinions of the business it seems far too many people have forgotten I helped create, and have done what I can to keep my name out of the mud.

Because I know far too well how this board works, let’s get some of your digs out of the way so that maybe the actual meat of this post can be digested.

My cars are pieces of crap that don’t work. When they do, I usually break them. It is usually because I have gimmicked something together and it has failed. Don’t worry I don’t do that to customers’ cars. I don’t even do it to friends’ cars.

Guess what, I’m broke. I’m always broke. I don’t see why that should concern any of you. But all I’m going to say, is before you start opening your mouth, you should check your pride. If you have been given a gift, don’t forget it. In a fair world, we’d all be held accountable. Whether we just fell backwards into something, or actually had to go out and get it. But this world sucks for that, and many other reasons.

Heh. You want jokes, find pictures of my welds.

This post was prompted by the whole BAS vs Sasha thread. When I read things like

“I get paid lots of money not to get dirty, maybe i should give up a career so i can connect steel… yeah okay…”

The irony is, a) you still have to come down from your ivory tower and PAY some “peon” to do your dirty work for you. Small measure of a man. Second, you were supposed to be defending a guy who you paid, to ‘connect your steel.’ How does Sasha feel about that, having to do something so beneath you?

I get paid fuck all nothing to get dirty, and I love every second of it. I’m sorry, but in my mind you and your opinions are a total detriment to hot-rodding, and people like you will ultimately bring about its demise.

It’s just like everything I see day in day out. Everyone wants to jump into this scene, either to make big bucks riding the coattails and good name of someone into the ground … for what? A few free parts? A chance to run some stickers? Doesn’t anyone just want to make their cars better? Not better than anyone else’s … just better? Fuck.

And Ty … yyes, I know you and Dan had your chat. I know that everything is supposed to be “OK”. But you know what … fuck you. If you want to ‘jump ship’ … you have to be standing on one ship to start with. You’re lazy. That’s why you left, that’s why you never did any work. Hiding behind excuses like ‘the shop is too dirty’, I don’t ‘feel’ like doing any work. I can’t ‘sell’ this place. Truth being you all went weak in the knees when it turned out there was hard work ahead. One by one you stopped coming by. When it turned out it wouldn’t be free parts, with Dan building all of your cars for you in his free time. And what happened? I still have this picture on the wall by my computer. Guess how many faces are crossed out? And you think you have a share to sell?


Too much of a hangout? When did you ever come by other than to hang out? That’s right, when you needed something. Wasn’t the last time I saw you when you were bolting together your new car, at MSSC? Wasn’t it your mess I cleaned up?

Don’t you remember when you fought tooth and nail to keep Sasha out of MSSC? And gloated when he left to start SG? And all the stupid infighting that followed? How many of your cars were going to be built as identical copies to his, but only better? Now you want to swing from his nutsack and tell us all it don’t stink?

Jesus. What happened ‘between BAS and MSSC’ was me. It had nothing to do with the shop then, and it never would now. I made fun of the shop name and Ian made fun of my hat. His shop is still a ‘Salon’ and I still own the hat. That much is true. And you ran around starting shit. Just like you’re running around, proud as a peacock starting shit again. And you’ll get bored. Dan smoothed that one out, because he runs around picking up after all of us, even me.

And you’ll get angry with Sasha again. Renting a room in a house for more money than I pay for an entire 1,000 sq-ft apartment doesn’t make you a man.

Sasha, as I’m sure you’ve always understood, I never had an issue with you. We talked many times. I thought your car was unimaginative and I’d never consider it otherwise. It’s come a long way since then.

But, this goes out to all of you that I’ve helped, for free. Thanks for actually being able to make me regret ever helping you out. Thanks for helping me to really feel taken for granted. Thanks again for completely devaluing everything I had left to feel good about this community. Don’t worry, it wasn’t much.

But don’t ever come around again, not when I’m there. It’s simple, you’re just not welcome anymore. It’s not a physical threat. We all know how funny that is. You’ll get yours or you won’t.

the words of a man scorned, amen

Everyone wants to jump into this scene, either to make big bucks riding the coattails and good name of someone into the ground … for what? A few free parts? A chance to run some stickers? Doesn’t anyone just want to make their cars better? Not better than anyone else’s … just better? Fuck.

Very very well said…why ruin others name due to greed.

Well versed…

But it needed to be said…

as much as we’ve butted heads in the past( over a year actually), I have respect for you for laying it on the table like this. Although any satisfaction you get from this may simply be cathartic.

I’m glad someone brought this thread back, because there were a few things that were said that bothered the hell out of me.
What’s this whole big money vs. budget car builds? You think if you put big money into a car that it’ll be good? The reason why these are “big money” builds, is that they have to pay Sasha to do the thinking FOR them. If they actually knew how cars worked, they’d be paying a lot less. Please don’t tell me you don’t understand the difference between “Plz put in a Greddy VSPL, walbro 255lph fuel pump and 550cc injectors” vs. “Car slow, make car fast, kthxbye here’s money”

ROFL … its also very sad how this is true

That’s not the saddest part. The saddest part is how they talk down to people because they’re under the impression that they’re better then you because of it.

+1 and its true, i feel for matt but a lot of people today use others for their own ends and it leaves you feeling betrayed, i hope those who f*cked around with him burn in the end. like the saying goes; karma is a bitch

Before this gets taken out of context. I don’t think any less of someone because they pay money to have their car built. With the way our economy works, the cars that we see being built would be impossible otherwise.

Honestly, if I could, I’d pay someone to build my shit too.

What I take exception with is carrying pride in something someone else did for you. And at the same time, balking when the time comes to give something back.

I take no satisfaction in saying any of this Ian. In fact it makes me feel a little sick, and very sad.

WE butted heads. And at the end of it, it was amusing in a sad pathetic way. Like the rest of the internet. But I never slagged on your work, nor would I try and take your business away from you. Just as I won’t slag SG, or Intense, or anyone else. I still send people to Bing, to SG, to MSSC, to Varun, to anyone I think can help. Because at the end of the day, I want to see the hobby and community persevere. When some misguided boys here bought triangle-powered cars (sorry, trichoid, my mistake) I sent them to BAS. Why?

Because there used to be a bunch of misfits that had fun by taking a piece of OEM slag and making THEIR OWN car out of it.

But no one can just let the drama stay on TV. People go out of their way to try and stir shit up with me, telling me who said what about who, who thinks what about this, that or the other. And I don’t give a fuck. Surprise, surprise.

Business is business. Frankly, I don’t care who goes to SG. I don’t care if it’s because they think Sasha shits gold-plated ice cream, or because they’ve heard I do things with small forrest mammals. I hope that wherever you go, you get to see what being part of this community is supposed to be about, and you start to have a real desire to become a part of it. Customers are customers. If you are an unthinking peon with a mastercard, I’ll still do whatever you ask. Don’t get me wrong, I need money too.

Matt, i said what i said with the specific intention of irking certain people, not you. More importantly, i knew full-well that others would read it and miscontrue it. But i know that Sasha wont take it seriously because we spend enough time together for him to gauge the sincerity of my posts on the internet.

That said, i dont want to provoke another arguement.

You said it with sincerity, and regardless of who it’s directed at its still offensive those who do get dirty. You can’t simply make a comment such as that then say you didn’t mean it to some people but did to others.

And seeing as you said similar things with relative frequency to others within the last few days, obviously you believe you’re above those that work trades or do their own maintainence…

Great post man.

But we all know Ty is a shit talker and always will be, is well intentioned at heart but always says what he thinks will make those in the room happiest, be it “sweet car man” or bashing on the new shop that threatens his. Ty’s also lazy, but we all know that and accept him for it. Just don’t give him power tools and all is well.

As for Bing, hes a shit disturbing idiot and its slightly scary that hes going to have a kid. But hes really smart, fun to hang out with and funny. Things he says are humerous and only that much, if anything Bing tries too hard to offend people just for attention. I love bing.

I just want to go fast

One reason why I dont do favors for people. I’ve even had people get mad at me for it but honestly. Favors dont pay the bills and its more so the fact that they only come around because they want something for nothing.

Matt “Lucky” is the only person I will do favors for because hes the only one who returns the favor down the road and isnt just out for himself. Anyone else pays… friend or not.

So the reality is, by your explanation, you purposely when out of your way to say something that would perpetuate and aggravate an already argumentative topic. But you try to cover your ass by qualifying the statement by saying ’ those in the ‘know’ were aware of this so it’s perfectly fine to do this’…

It’s amazing the amount of skill you have in deceit and deception. Your duplicity is on par with the best machiavelian punter.

Those are great attributes for a human being… never mind the VP of the site and someone with access and control over the club funds…

i payed a while back for mssc to do a clutch in my car, i didnt ask for anything else only what i was paying them for, i know he went out of his way and fixed my turbo coolant leak while he was under there. it was a good job
thanks mssc!


Bob, Ian, you guys are really awesome you know that?

Ian… did you or did you not accuse me of stealing club funds (that your customers took in) and also accuse me of holding these funds in a secret bank account and keeping the interest?

And you have the nerve to call me deceitful?

The way you act is not the way I’d expect anyone in an administrator position to act. You keep proving it over and over again.

And in the process of it, you’ve managed to talk down to members and piss off more then a few people.


My ‘information’ came from 3 unsolicited AND different sources who know you that is called corroborating evidence…hardly deceitful no matter how you try to spin it, it’s simply information passed on, the accusations came from the sources.
Be mindful of the fact that your actions to divert and unwillingess to volunteer information when requested about funds and your involvement lends legitimacy to the claims made by others.

That is the single most awesome and cool statement I’ve ever read on the internet. I am in no way mocking you, I absolutely love it, and intend to start using it on a daily basis.