Let's Get Personal!

so in other words… deflect deflect deflect.

Bobbo, you were a part of admin in years past and were booted out, unssupported by close friends, because of the dishonesty you promoted.

Unfortunately, most of the members who were most hurt by it have since left, Mercedes, Dre, Nik, etc. etc.

You are the one with a nice long standing reputation of coniving and manipulation behind the backs of other admin. And not just as it relates to the forum apparently.

I’m sorry Bob, but the way i ACT as in action = the things that i do, is consistent with how you expect admin to function because everything you suggested that we do i already did.

You take issue with the way i post, and only when i respond to the lies of you and Ian


The other admin are the ones that collected the funds and no such bank account ever existed.

The people who collected and retained club funds were the ones who told me about your rantings on WestD.

Seeing as how people you were telling that stuff to are the people who actually had the money you can see how funny i would find that right?

You have no sources, you are just lieing.

Believe what you will, the fact remains that you continue to do whatever you must to NOT answer ANY questions asked by paying members on the subject… Seems to me and others that your OWN actions not mine or anyone else’s are what’s been seen as questionable and worth investigation.

EG; your digging your own hole, ANYTHING said by me last year was dismissed already by those ‘investigating’ so to bring it up again with such vehemence only serves to lend some legitimacy to it.

You just lied again

I already did answer every question.

Meh, you said that last year too and i couldnt be happier as to the all the wonderful things that have happened in the past year to me.

Actually, 06 was one of the best years of my life, 07 is definately going to be even better and i can tell you that 08 looks like it will be a 3-peat.

You guys are right though, Karma is a bitch when you aren’t playing fair.


Nobody has ever actually hurt my feelings on the internet before, until now.

I’ll give you a little insight as to what’s going through my mind.

When WE started the shop, I was a big part of it. Before we could get anything organized the shop started filling up with cars. Cars I didnt own. Cars like your piece of shit S12 thats sat for two years and counting, taking up very very valueable space… Car’s like Jovers, thats been apart for over a year now and will probably never see a track again. Your Charger, Challenger, 300ZX, and Celica are all still at the shop as well. Fuck, not a bad deal eh. Thats like $1000/month worth of storage for two years and all you had to do was come by and get dirty a few nights a week. This is not to mention Dan’s fleet of paper weights, but at least his come and go every so often.

You may not realize it, but every bay in a shop is a potential $80/hr every day of the year, and since half the bays have had non running shit boxes that you, dan, jover, james, etc. own, thats a lot of lost revenue. We had TWO FREE hoists, and instead of installing them we scrapped them! How does that show me a desire to succeed? I wrote memos about being successful, growing, making money, getting along and keeping the shop clean. None of that ever really panned out.

I guess thats the difference, I quit school to be part of a business. When you come by the shop after work it must be hard to consider it work. When I find new customers and have to turn them away because theres no room due to the above stated point I get frustrated. I stop showing up, I go back to work at PI, hoping that when I return things will be clean, a car will be done and gone, but no. Never.

Our best paying customers have been people I found. I designed the logo and HAND MADE the stickers that are now on peoples cars and tool boxes all over the city. I entered us in shows and made a good name for the shop when in all reality I was, as Sasha stated, talking shit. Nobody ever gave me credit for the things I did with my marketing and public relation talent. You got us in Modified, you’ve done some nice work saving peoples asses when nobody could figure out how to wire correctly. I never ever said you werent a big contributor to the shop, but I know what it feels like to be taken for granted too.

Another fun point for everyone, MSSC was robbed blind last year. $20,000 of shit was taken I believe… Dan somehow found out who did it, and EVERYTHING was returned to us! Everything except a bunch of MY stuff. Im the only person who lost anything to that robbery and nobody gave a flying fuck. Im not going to be mad about that??

Back when you guys wanted to close the shop as a business and just make it a club, Sasha and I were totally against it. We had a vision and a desire to run a successful business. The difference is that Sasha left and has now accomplished that with SG but I didnt have the heart to abandon the crew. Well I’ve given it lots of time, and nothing has changed, it never will. So you know what dude you might not think I was on your ship to begin with, but it would be long sunk if I wasnt around to give it a face and a public presence. All I ever wanted was to sell, its what I enjoy and do well. If you think its some sort of travisty that Im going to do that with Sasha, a friend I’ve had since years before meeting you and Dan, then so be it.

Theres a lot more floating around in my brain but I’ll leave it at that. At least until people start responding and pulling me deeper into a fight I didnt start.

That quoted paragraph did not answer ANYONE’S questions it’s a prepared statement that tries to shift the focus to others while avoiding the accountability you hold as VP, you try to claim to be a victim of circumstances because everyone else was to blame… You sure you don’t take notes while watching the Bush administration on TV, your tales of personal woe are about as plauseable as theirs.

Originally Posted by bing View Post

* Of all persons ever responsible for collecting funds, i was the only one who posted how much i had and i still have it and it is still public information. I did NOT collect all this money, someone else did it last year and didnt want to be held responsible for it so they gave it to me.
* This year the same thing happened, i had to ask repeatedly for someone else to accept donations and record the names of persons. It happened, we have the $$$ and the list.
* The previous paypal account was unaccessible to me, G and anyone else for that matter and the funds were not available for general club use. So we x-nayed that paypal account and set up one in the name of the club that is all of 2 weeks old or less. People are donating and we finally have records that are accessible.

all of these things happened before you bitched about it here.

In other words, everything you have suggested that we do we /I have already begun doing. When you combine that with the fact that you have no credibility in any way shape or form amongst even your peers it makes perfect sense that i dont take you seriously.

There is simply nothing more to talk about. But hey, keep on posting.

QFT… man i feel like this in almost every single thread lately.

i thought son240.org was supposed to be a fresh start?
non of this b.s?

why dont you guys just sit down and talk to each other about the issues at hand, get it resolved OFF the forums.

the last thing the noobs on son should be doing is laughing at the ones they look up too?
if theylook up to you guys at all…?

either way ,chill out…

this place…more so these last posts of everyone hating people that are admins because of whatever reasons that got them there…make me want to buy a honda.

yeah i said it. and isnt a joke.

it doesnt make me want a honda…
its makes me want them to go buy honda’s :stuck_out_tongue:

Guys, can we just keep this going for like… another 50 min? I need to pass time at work :smiley:

Thread will be moved to the new DRAMA section when G gets a chance

that’s it, try to minimize OTHER peoples opinions and concerns.

Ian, you are a model citizen.

You are the true definition of what we need around here… more people exactly like you with your maturity and decorum.


I’m not taking offense to you going to SG, I didn’t even notice you leave.

This has nothing to do with where you ended up.

If you had called me up and said “I’m going to go work for SG!” do you think there would have been any drama? After anything you’ve ever known me to do, do you really think I would have had anything negative to say? I would have laughed at the irony, and wished you well.

The issue here is not that you left, it’s how you’re trying to burn the bridge on your way. You came, you tried, you left. That’s not our fault.

We were obviously such a shitty bunch of guys to work with. It was such a negative experience that you made the smart choice and went to work for SG. Right? Because that’s sure as shit what I read when I see your posts.

And I wish you all the best. No, really, I do. That’s 100% sarcasm-free. When everyone else decided to walk away, it was without malice and without drama. It was done with no hard feelings and class.

Sure, we didn’t have to repaint the walls … but still.

You can slag me all day if it makes you feel better. Write a bloody top 40 song about it. But don’t drag the name that gave you a chance through the mud to help better promote yourself and your new job.

And don’t forget my Bronco … mmm Bronco.

These mystery customers who I’m taking up space from are the same reason we closed. If you had been paying attention, you would have noticed. It’s only costing money if THERE’S BLOODY CUSTOMERS COMING IN. You may have noticed my 300ZX isn’t inside anymore. We needed the space for a customer and gasp I moved the car. And he still hasn’t paid his bill. I also pay to keep my cars there, just like everyone else. It’s actually more profitable to keep my shit indoors and charge myself than to try and get deadbeat customers to pay.

You can’t see beyond you, the legend. Guess what buddy, your shit wasn’t the only stuff that wasn’t returned after the robbery. There’s still a bunch of stuff outstanding, and a lot of it mine.

But again, this has nothing to do with MSSC. This was supposed to be a personal beef. As is the mode, I decided to air it through the internet instead of like normal human beings.

It’s a nice feeling isn’t it?

ahahahahahah sarcasm at its best.

Seriously man this thread was supposed to be someones cheap shot at me, so stay out of it.

Ahahaha … awesome a whole new section!

When I saw the three threads in here, I thought maybe it had been moved back to Technical :wink:

everyone quit the shop when they could smell Dan’s bullshit, but i plugged my nose and kept going.

I overlooked the sloppyness for a long time but I cant do it anymore.

And just so you know, I havent begun working for SG yet, I was going to make my peace with you guys and start fresh, but you beat me to it just because I mentioned it in some other thread that a dozen people saw, you had to go and do this. I never would have mentioned you or the shop in a poor light until you took this cheap shot against me.

Start discussing what the MSSC logo is worth to you guys btw.

Would you guys relax. Man, i hate it when people get all bent out of shape on the internet.

Only posers who dont do their own welding need that shit.

OMG OMG OMG! A whole drama section just for me! This is like an early birthday present! I love you guys :slight_smile: