Let's Get Personal!

now you dont need to self-ban yourself

This statement sums up Kitchener/Waterloo pefectly.


Let’s say 3¢.

That’ll cover the cost of a piece of paper that you can print a CIPO form on to register a trademark in Canada. Which you would have had to have done when you first designed the logo. Then you would have to somehow ignore the fact that the name is already a registered trademark owned by someone else. And that, acting as a contractor (even though part of the original workforce) you would need to provide documentation that we allowed you retain IP rights to the logo.

We already redesigned the logo and haven’t used your version since we ran out of the stickers you made – since no one could ever find the original file.

But if you want to pursue this further, I can recommend a great IP lawyer to you. She’s the same one I use to protect my IP rights.

Even if you had the rights and ownership of the intellectual property, after finally getting somoene to pay attention to your complaint, you would need to prove that we made money from it, after you left the company.

So I’ll give you those numbers.

Money Generated from Importfest = $0
New clients gained from exposure at import fest and subsequent sticker dispersal = 0

But check the Ego for a minute … the thread wasn’t so much about you, but people like you, in this situation - ie feeling that we owe you something. But instead of letting it be, or being vague about it, I came out and said it.

And I hardly consider it a cheap shot. I would have said the same to you, if you’d been around. Instead, I went to where I had to come to read it in the first place.

As far as I’m concerned you were already dragging the name through the mud, whether you think so or not.

I just found it strange to say the least that after a year of not hearing from you, all of a sudden you want to make sure everyone knows you’re leaving.

I feel it equally important to counterpoint that to anyone involved, you were gone a long time ago.

This section is fucking awesome, i gotta catch up once i get back from Korean BBQ tonight. :smiley:

unfortunately it’s your lack of eloquence and inability to put together even a moderate reply that has reduced the value of the original post. At least Bings ability with duplicity has some technical merit, albeit dripping with stagnant and long worn out context. But I’m sure now you are both kissing Sasha’s left nut in turns you’ll learn how to be a grade a twat.

i love you all, i stayed an extra 14 minutes past getting paid at work just to finish reading all of the threads in this new section.

sorry for interrupting with off topic bullshit but I figure one post is better than starting a whole new section.

its unfortunately how dramatic things have gotten…

PS - someone label the faces in that picture for me! I have no idea who anyone is except for 4 of them… dan being one of them - i never forget the face of a guy who jews me down on my price on a ‘for sale’ item and then shows up $20 short and says, “i bought gas and cigarettes on the way over will you take $140?” – that was classic. :slight_smile:

I’m with you.


damn i wish u guys would stop… honestly i hope you guys can take two or three min away from ur arguing and maybe lend a hand in the technical and car chat sections
Cause in three days my topic was up i got only 3 people replying and they helped a ton (thanks to those that contributed), but im sure as hell u people have a ton more to offer
Anyways i need some serious help from people with experience/more knowledge then me (which is most likely 90% of the people here) and in a few days il post that thread

I just hope u guys aren’t getting carried away in the drama, it happens yes, but please do ur part to help the community

What did I buy from you again???

OMFG you go their to LOLZ that place in T.o is fuckin sick lolz

I just got back not long ago, the food was fucking awesome. I love the sliced beef the most.

LOLZ the chickens better but wtf?? O_O!! y dont they have any kind of say um SWEET and sour sauce WTFFFF!!!

All about that Pork and Seafood

mmm, good food.

But yeah, I read the posts and I just wanted to say that I think you guys should really consider what your saying and how your making these issues public, along with how it affects peoples views on you and your businesses. I for one, realize that there will always be conflict. But bringing it into such a public domain just makes matter worse. Because then, outsiders like myself will read this and be left with a negative impression. After reading all this it appears as though your businesses our not reputable or professional. I’m more than shure you all have the knowledge and smarts when it comes to building cars and i’m shure you you all know your shit. But the public bickering leaves people with all the wrong ideas about not only you but your business. I hope the matters can be sorted out off the forum and everyone can get back to doing what they love doing. Building and driving their 240s.

Cheers. ^^"

Deflect? You didn’t attack me with anything.

I left he administration, I wasn’t booted out. I left because I didn’t agree with the direction that the club was taking. I still don’t agree with it. There was no dishonesty on my part, and they’ll testify to that fact. While people may not have liked me, I did my job.

Dre left when the administration felt he was doing a poor job as the webmaster. Certain people applied pressure to him to get things done and he left. IIRC.

Nik? Nik left on his own accord long after I stopped being an aministrator. From what I remember we never really had any issues, aside from the point I’ll make in a bit.

Mercedes bought a Subaru, and strayed away from the club while I wasn’t even around. Thats right, she was still posting when I left for a exended period of time. She left because she wanted to go somewhere different, plus she’s busy working as a nurse IIRC.

All these folks did have something in common, which was they were against the idea of turning SON into a CASC certified club, that was more racing oriented. Along with you, they wanted this to remain exactly as it is now, a forum with a loose base around the 240sx, and not certified or more racing oriented. Basically what SON-R is now.

Long standing reputation of manipulation and coniving? You can’t be serious. I was one of the only guys that didn’t hold back when I had something to say. The administration had issues with me being a little too vocal at points, but we got through it without much issue.

You haven’t proven you operate in any sort of a professional manner, because you don’t. You never have. The only thing you’ve done that you can actually show us is the paypal account. This was only done recently as well, under the pressure of the two competing forums splitting the userbase.

If it was an easy switch over with no competition, nothing would have changed.

Our lies? Listen Ian has some strong words that I agree with when it comes to you. I know plenty of really good guys on this forum that feel the way I do about how you operate. Ironically enough they’re the same type of guys that are bright, well worded, come from all types of backgrounds and professions, and they see right through your sales pitch.

bobbo, all i can say to you is blah blah blah.

everything you say is either bullshit or off target completely.

Ask someone who has been around for that long. They can verify it’s accuracy, or correct me accordingly.

Off target? I just responded to your last post in order.

Looks like I was on target if the best you can come up with is blah blah blah.