dance clubs?

god chippewa is awful. have fun taking a chick there.



Level fucking SUCKS. I hate that place. DOuche bag city.

Marcellas is WAY more fun then that place. Better atmosphere. (altho weird at times)
Marcellas is pretty good Saturday nights.

DT is fuking gay!

yea were going to pitt. gonna spend the night there…she has some friends there, as do i, and were all going to Prive Ultra Lounge. should be there by 11

I’ll vouche for that, seen the “dance moves”
bike skills >>>>>>>>> willybeen breaking it down

level is the best club DT

go to level. some gotti will hit on your girl and you will get in a fight guaranteed.

i only went to level once.

some broad bumped into my buddy on the dance floor. she started flipping out on him, he walked away. she told her man my buddy hit her or something, and they came out full force fight.

fucking douchebags.

alcohol + testosterone + hair gel = trouble

If it was “literally” gay it would be MUCH better then what it actually is.
It is SHIT but the kid asked for the best spot out of the lot.

Eesh… have to agree with a few here.

  1. GO TO TORONTO. Guvernment is a gauranteed good time, pick the room with the music you like- end of story. It is the biggest club within 2 days drive of here, and 2nd biggest in North America- certainly the only one around here that can be called a SuperClub.

Since I have been waiting for my Passport, I have been trying out some of the local clubs instead. HOLY SHIT THEY SUCK! Toronto is 100 miles from here on the nose. Club in Toronto a few times, make a few friends who live in TO… problem with Hotels and parking solve themselves. VERY EASY to do this if you a decent person, Torontonians are a nice bunch to say the least.

Electronic Dance: Guvernment (Main Room, The Drink, Acid Lounge, Sometimes Koolhaus and Skybar) Also check out Circa, Footwork, The Docks.
Hip Hop: Guvernment (Orange Room, Alternating Gold Club Lounge, Sometimes Koolhaus and Skybar)
Top-40: Guvernment (Alternating Gold Club Lounge)
Dark Trance, Industrial, Electronica: Velvet Underground

  1. Marcellas is about the closest to a “dance” club atmosphere you can find around here. It is not as “gay” as some people think, 50% gay crowd at MOST… and figure half of that 50% are women. The gay crowd there has better Gaydar than you do- they know you arent gay and wont bother with you 99.9% of the time. If you happen to have a GF who is “curious”… it could end up to be a fun night for you anyway.

  2. Next closest dance club atmosphere I have seen is Pearl in Rochester, but it is SMALL, REALLY SMALL. I am certainly spoiled as fuck by partying in Toronto, but I am used to HUGE clubs.

  3. Admittedly I have never made it to Level, so I cant throw that in there. However, size-wise, Coyotes is a decent sized club… though not my music. Its about he size of 1 room in Guvernment- and thats saying a lot actually.

Maybe you’re just ugly, because I know guys that will rub their peen on guys even if they know they’re straight.


Maybe they (you) just come off as closet Gay, and they are just trying to make you see it?

Stay on topic fuckstick.

dude… isnt marchella’s a gay bar?

Isnt any club near Buffalo that isnt loaded with thugs and plays Rap or Hip-Hop…? Its a “whatever you want it to be” club. It is about half/half, but the people who go there go for the music and atmosphere. I’m not going to say you arent going to see some hilarious shit, but who gives a shit? Its more of a club where you go WITH your GF than to FIND a GF… but other than that, whatever. Now, if you want to go and BE someones GF… thats fine too I guess. LOL!

Dude, yes it is.


I’m magnificent.



I dunno, the Guvernment is fun and brings in a lot of big name people but its still not a ‘take your gf’ kind of place. Way too many drugged out people on the main floor.

idk… I have gone with countless girls over the last few years, and none have had any issues to speak of.

As far the drugged out people on the main floor… if you cant beat 'em, join 'em?

But seriously, the drugged out people are MUCH, MUCH more easy to deal with than the drunk fucks. 99% of them are on E, which for the most part makes you friendly and very difficult to piss off , and talkative- the leading reason for Buffalonians to feel in an awkward place. Just cause they are talking to you or your girl does not mean that are hitting on her! You are there, they are on E. /end. Talking will Happen.

The drunk assholes, are another story altogether. Go to downtown buffalo any weekend to see the result of that shit.

As I have said many times, there are probably more people going through Guv any given Saturday than goes through all of DownTown Buffalo to the clubs, and jesus fucking christ compare the two on a headliner DJ night. Which has more fights? Which has more arrests? Which has more assholes? Buffalo gets the award for all three.