Dark photo editing...can someone help me?

Last night I was out by the way and took some photos of the car, but it was after 9 so if was dusk. I took them without the flash bec I know tha would make them come out like shit since I wanted to get the sky and lake in the background.

Can someone lighten up 8-10 photos for me?

if you have an iso setting your going to want to put it at a higher setting

I have 0 editing knowledge or experience so I have no idea whay you just said lol. I also don’t have any software to do it with

This sounds more exposure related…

If you mess with the levels too much to lighten them, they’re going to look washed out

Ya I tried to lighten them with some shitty microsoft photo editor thats on my work computer and it does not have enough bells and whistles to make it look good at all.

I can try with PS, but I won’t have access to my home PC until noon

what kind of camera are you using?

Yeah these are just too dark, I PM’d him letting him know about shutter priority.

if youve got the option, shoot in raw format. you can adjust the exposure later in photoshop or lightroom.


before editing you couldnt make out any detail on the two people in the background.

send them to my email. Johnnyv412@gmail.com

email sent

good luck. here’s an example:

Unfixable. Dont bother. Sorry man

yeah, my work computer just shows a black square. lol

Idk why that attached file looks so bad…w/e



Oh come on, the CSI miracle enhance I see on TV all the time could fix that, and then pull a license plate number out of the reflection in someone’s eye.

no hope, but you can use it for a sig or something.

^ At least now I know there was a car in the picture.