Datelines "To Catch a Predator"

and 50 years before that they were married at age 12 and had 3 kids by 16.

You say we are repressed and such, but really, it’s a pretty simple concept. I think everyone would agree that a person with partners in the triple digits has overdone it, and probably has a few diseases to prove it.

But nobody wants to say that abstinence is good either, so we are stuck with a problem, that none isn’t enough, and too much is too much, and nobody can decide where the happy medium is.

Different strokes for different folks. no pun intended. Everyone has a perception on what is “too much or too little” and no one’s perception is the same as the next. Why you/we as a society feel the need to have people conform to a blanket rule of “too much or too little” boggles my mind. We worry about what other people are doing way too fucking much.

The problem for kids who are 14, is that they’ve only seen the “glamorous” side of life on MTV and every movie they’ve ever seen, so they lack the proper information to make the right decision, let alone maturity and intellect.

what a horribly ignorant thing to say. I would normally expect more from you besides baseless, unintelligent, stereotypical ramblings.