Dating : How old is too old?

i find myself attracted to rail thin hc girls with short black hair, pale skin, and serious mental issues. instabiltity attracts me i guess…

spencer: you wanna know the best thing about high school girls? as i get older they stay the same age ohhh yeaaa

aaron: dude 5-6 years difference for you has you dating 15 year olds :rofl: but w/e…

and i could never date someone under 21, not so much for maturity but because of lifestyle. i cant stay up till 1am or 2am everynight just because of work ( and being an old man ) 18-19year olds arent likely to have careers… also dating someone living at home is a :tdown:

same, but 3.5 year gap :tup:

when i was 26 i dated a girl who was 14.


Where did this come from? I don’t see shit.

yeah. thats weird… its gone.

Sorry, snooze, you lose. I just don’t want my girl all over the internet. lol

dont worry.
i saved the pic and photoshopped her head onto mad nude bodies.

I’ll be turning 21 soon. And for those of you who don’t know me, you can roll your eyes and be as disgusted with me as you’d like. I’ve always considered myself mature for my age, no matter what age. And I like older guys. Preferabley 5+ years older. Always have.
I’ve tried dating… or even “hitting it” with guys my age and they’re all the same.They have nothing to offer. And I’m not talking money or material things. I just never felt I could connect with any of the guys my age…guys my age are mentally and emotionally still teenagers. So why not date older guys?

My ex is 5 years older then me, and we were together for 4 years…and yeah that was back when I was 15-19. And it was great those 4 years. Judge it as you will.

I dated a guy my age for 8 months…and gawd I wish I could get those 8 months of my life back. All he wanted to do was party and get wasted 24/7 and so did all his 19-22 year old friends.

I just recently started talking to an older guy. MUCH older. And yeah, we should care about the huge age gap…but we just started hanging out and we get along better and have more in common then any of the little boys I go to college with.

So I say to each his/her own. And even though when I was in highschool I dated someone 5 years older then myself… when I see people doing it now I do sort of cringe- because some people I see together, well, the relationship is questionable for reasons just like everyone has pointed out above. But I suppose it just depends on the persons involved.

What’s a couple years if you’re happy?

if shes 18 id say max 20 simply because of the maturity difference

and the gap widens as age increases but for say a 23 to date an 18 id say not likely

I think maturity differences would show more as the relationship progressed

Good post. I know more then a few girls that have followed pretty much the same logic that you have. I think in alot of cases girls are forced to grow up faster then guys, cause if youre a good looking girl, then by the time youre 14-15 you start having to put up with guys immature BS, hitting on you, tryin to get in your pants, etc. Its kind of sad to see, but I think as a whole our society has fallen off in that sense, too much BS on tv and everywhere you go to reinforce in a guys mind that him tryin to prove to himself/his friends that hes got game is what matter most, when in reality all he is doing is making himself look like a fool by being the way he is.

And its always the hottest chicks that go for the guy thats a few years older, and thats because theyre tired of putting up with the BS they deal with from guys in their age group. Cant say i blame them :gotme:

Anyways, IMO, like teh above post stated, who cares about an age difference (within reason) if you are happy. I think alot of people in their minds are looking for that perfect person, but in reality that perfect person doesnt exist. There is however someone out there that may be perfect for YOU.

Just my 2 cents :smiley:

Thanks mang:) Glad someone understands…because this older guy I’ve been talking to… my roomate is completely freaked out by the whole thing…

But even my mom, when I told her about this older guy just today, she said, “Well I can’t really agree or disagree with it…sometimes things just happen and you have to go with it.”…then my friend’s ma’ says “They aren’t considered sugar daddies until their 50!”…so I’m in the clear. LoL
And if people want to judge it, then oh well. As my older guy says " Shut up and like it." LoL

EDIt: …because I’m the typo queen.

yet you never bring any girls to the partys :gotme:

No problem. Its easy to judge what someone else is doing by what your standards are, but from my experience rarely do people ever try to see things from the other persons perspective in order to try to understand the reasoning why someone may date someone older, react to certain things in a certain way, etc.

Honestly, me personally i couldnt see myself with someone TOO far out of my age range, but who am i to say that it couldnt work for someone else? I say as long as you live life by a set of rules and moral code that you are happy with, thats all that really matters. Life is too short to worry about what other people think, I see alot of people that are not happy with their lives, because they look at other people and want what other people want, but they never really bother to think about what makes them happy.

Neways, good luck with your guy, sounds like you know what you want out of life, there are alot of people out there who never really do.


theres a great idea … lets mix the girls i know individualy with my circle of friends …

how about when people stop calling me creepy, and making comments about me having kids with 14yr olds or like erica tonight telling me to shut up cause its not my birthday anymore

myabe if my circle of friends checked the bullshit at the door about, id mix my personal life with my social life

if i went to a party at shannons and everyone was there and i said “dont make creepy comments or some stupid comment about me dating 12 yr olds” at least one of you would fuck up and let something slip because its funny to talk shit about me

ive explained this before … i keep my sexlife seperate from my social life because the circle of friends has already proven in the past that they cant keep their collective mouths shut while i simply try to get a girls phone number, let alone spend the entire night chillin at a party with a gf …especialy a girl that doesnt know my circle of friends

and this doesnt apply to any certian person either … it applies to everyone that made one of the following remarks

anything containing ANY variation of the nickname “creepy”
anything about this stupid fucking idea that i date jailbate
anything about my supposed emacking skills
anyone thats blabbed about my sexlife
anyone thats told others that im gay
anyone thats said anything about me " getting rejected by girls all the time"

you want me to bring girls around to parties ? get everyone we know to shut the fuck up about me in general

take a look in my phone some time … there are 28 women in there that i call oten enough to have programed in … girls that NOONE in our circle of friends know … and its why my phone is set to lock on power up … if someones touching my phone for no good reason … a simple swat to the ground sends the battery flying and then noone can fuck with it w/o the password …which reminds me … time to change that lock code

any by the way, the simple fact that you posted the comment i quoted on a public forum proves my point

if your gonna hit…17 is legal in NYS and thats all you need to know. if your gonna date. im 22 and im dating a 19 year old that will be 20 in AUG and she is more mature and more responsible then most 24-25 girls i have seen. i guess it all depends on how mature they act. if you 2 connect then go for it. but i can bet the people that have met my GF can say that they dident expect her to be 19
