Dave Brown>

I love tall girls. My ex was 6’. Perfection.


I don’t even know how this shit starts.

Oh, and I’d put a dick in my mouth for money too. So fuck all of you.

edit- a large sum of money.

Lets all beat each other up over shift words. It’s like 8th grade in here.

Tall chicks FTW!!!

lets do it …you and me 3 o’clock after school in the playground



You got it.

Winner gets a Lunchable.

Only if the. Dessert is a snickers, none of that M&M’sbullshit.

i knew you would pussy out and not show up…

ok, now i want Dave to beat his as lol

There is a openly gay dude at my work that offers to play a game called $500 with any straight man who is willing to listen.

He puts $500 on the table, you have to watch straight porn for 15 min.

if you get hard, he wins and you have to let him do as he wishes, don’t get hard and you win the $500


just cause i know your all wondering, no i’ve never played

Cool story, ive got 3 cousins that went to school for law enforcement and GRADUATED… They still dont work as officers.

Until he graduates and goes through the acedamy ext hes fine to beat the shit out of.

id like to play, I dont get hard by just watching porn… I need some hot slut next to me.


Yeah I don’t get hard just watching porn so I’d win that no problem.

I jiz within seconds of seeing a nipple.

Sign me up. I have pretty good personal control.

thats it…sbardy and i are fighting.

…first one that gets hard…winnnnnnns!

do my last two posts sum up this thread or WHAT!? lol