Dave Brown>

I hugged someone once. It was kind of awkward because they were shorter than me and I left hand marks on the back of their shirt from my sweaty palms. I might hug some one again, but only if they’re the same height and are wearing something waterproof.

At least they were shorter then you, its even more awkward when your a dude and your hugging a girl inches taller then you… kinda embaressing lol. :confused:

going to sleep huh?

that wouldnt be a smart move. Thats all I will say.

lol and why is that? You gonna jump in too muscles?

I try not to even make eye contact with girls unless they’re 5’4" or less. Tall girls FTL

Word, im only 5"8 and ive dated a couple of girls 5"8-5"9 and it was just embaressing lol… Im walking along side of my girl and shes fucking towering above me, especially when wearing like high heels and shit lol.

Tall girls have aids… its science

I stick up for my friends. Im not going to let some punk try to beat my friends ass just because he cant handle some internet bashing. If you cant handle it, just get off this site? There are only a handful of people here that like you, and the rest dont. Touch bobby and it will be a shit storm.

First of all… I really think I could take both of you at the same time lolol… seriously, not kidding lol… so go right ahead… Second of All, pretty sure its the opposite, but you wouldnt know becuase your always working or chopping wood with your father… Shift members see/talk to you when theres a shift MEET, shift members go out of there way and come to my store to hang out, outside of a meet, thats called real friends.

ok your clueless. Obviously you only see down a ego filled one way street. Im not going to sit here and argue with you, its just funny that you think I hangout with people from here only at car meets lol.

whats funny is those people that come into your shop are prolly the same ones telling me your a scumbag.

goes both ways bud.

Who cares about that, I just wanna see you and Bobby beat me up lol…

unlike you, I can handle internet bashing like a MAN without puffing up my pecks.

im saying dont touch bobby…

holy shit, this is ridic… Dave is cool, bob is cool and drew is cool. fucking get over it, bro-hug it out and move on, DA FUCKKKKK with the threats

Dude getting bashed on the internet and “taking” it isnt being a man lol…it really isnt. If some little faggot nerd can type shit over the computer he should be able to say it in person, its as simple as that.

And when I see bobby, hes getting a hug, regaurdless of what… you tell me not to do? lol

no threats no threats!! …HUUUGGGSSSSS :hug

hugs not drugs…or fights or brawls… or showdowns at the OK corral


why so serious ? … Its the interwebs . I have better things to do in life then fight people. I use this site on what spare time I do have at school/work etc. Really not worth fighting you and getting others involved …Especially when I am going to school for law enforcement .

If a girl is inches taller than me Im running away, not hugging her. That would be one scary bitch since Im 6’3".

1,2,3,4 I declare a thumb war, lets set it up.

Seems to be about the same maturity level