Dave Brown>

Neg rep if you continue to say plus rep and not actually give plus rep.:lol

I just tried it says i need to spread more around.


Are you the one that took Alpines rep and keep baning him?

Yes and no. I only banned him the first time.

Another plus rep when i can.


how didnt you ? you found my pictures on my facebook and posted them on here…

Dude, I promise you, if I noticed you, you would have known it… When I see you in person, its over for you, no matter how nice you try to act in front of me… Your getting the biggest “hug” youve ever gotten.

haha I was right infront of you maybe 6 feet away …

yup you guys were definitely face to face.

lol, tell me you were there too?

I was in the village with john, eman, adam, richie etc. getting pizza when bobby texted me saying he is looking right at you.

I was there too if you need any further clarification. I have no issues with Laduke and I consider Dave a friend. Dave had no idea he was there.

haha thats fuckin halarious … you found pictures of me on my fb when I am not even friends with you and made a huge deal out of it . Yet when you see me in public you had no idea it was me . You talk like you have seen me all the time but in reality you really couldnt tell it was me .

I was standing next to bob while dave was on the other side of me. That close.

dude, I copied and pasted A pic FROM shift TO shift… Your facebook is private… I just added microsoft paint to the picture and reposted it… I dont know what you like like exept for the 1 pic a member posted.

for the millionth time, when I see you and agknowledge you, your going to sleep.

Was this the first time we went to lake george or the second time when I brought Jaws?

Lol your a dumbass dave, What’d he do to you that its worth it?

From day 1 this little punk has done nothing but talked shit, its a year later if not more and the fruity looking dude is STILL talking shit, did you see the “suck my dick love4boost” thread or w.e it was called man? Sorry, but theres only so much one can take… At one point in time he agreed to meet up with me, agreed on a location and then all of a sudden he stops answering pms like a little bitch… Im not gonna make it my business to look for him as I could already of had his address and other places, but when hes in the same place as the same time as me he better kiss my feet and look like a little bitch in front of everyone or hes getting a hug… (no threats vlad, just hugs :hug)