Dazed and Confused

So I just watched it again the other nite for kicks and its always made me wonder.

Why does wooderson call his car “melba toast”? I’ve never been able to figure this out and thought maybe one of you braintrusts could shed some light on it for me


Melba toast is made by lightly toasting bread in the normal way. Once the outsides of the bread are slightly firm, it is removed from the toaster and then each slice is cut in half “longitudinally” with a bread knife to make two slices each half the thickness. These two thin slices are then toasted again to make Melba Toast.

I think he’s refering to the SS stripes on the hood

Melba toast is eaten with soup.

Wooderson calls his Chevelle Melba Toast because it soaks up the competition.

know what i like about highschool girls?

they stay the same age!

I was thinking Abercrombie skirts… but ok :wink:

skirt weather is quickly going away for the year, better get it in quickly

low alcohol tolerance?

almost good enough to be the designated driver ?

I enjoy watching that movie, mostly because i lived it.

Cheeks internet was down and he needed something to jerk it to


The only thing you soak up is the tranny fluid from when your 4l60 breaks

Bitch please!!! my 4l60e lasted longer than your 10 bolt. It probably broke when you had to go for your “home field advantage”
