DC gun ban

The supreme court will rule on this subject.

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last year that DC’s ban is an unconstitutional infringement upon an individual (not collective, militia-y) right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.

Any predictions? Curtains for gun ownership? Repeal of the 1934 National Firearms act?

I’m not sure what will happen, but I do know that it will have lasting implications for this nation, and potentially the world.

I didnt read the article but Im guessing this is just for DC city? It’s what New York has had for years now.

I still just don’t understand the point. Ban ownership for people who can legally own guns. That still does not change the influence of illegal gun use and ownership. Not one bit. All you’re doing is taking the right of self-defense away rightful Americans.

It’s much different. The supreme court is going to rule on whether or not such bans can/will be permitted under the Constitution. If the DC handgun ban is deemed unconstitutional, the NYC ban will crumble immediately. If it is upheld, other cities will be free to place similar bans.

This is monumental.

If it is upheld, it is a major shame.

for those of you that dont want to read the article, i know i dont fee like reading it. The ban is only on hand guns, you are allowed to own other types of guns.

I would be very surprised if the ban is upheld. With the current sitting justices, I dont think there is much to worry about. But then again stranger things have happened.

if the ban is upheld, there is gonna be such an out cry

Agreed. Along with the illegal disarming of lots of people. I would bet first on the ban wagon would be Philly.

“If the court upholds the D.C. ban, under any theory, it would make virtually every form of gun regulation constitutional,” said Mark V. Tushnet, a Harvard Law School professor and the author of a book about the gun-control debate. “If the court strikes it down on broad grounds … then it would spark a lot of litigation about what kind of gun regulations are permissible or not.”


Sure you can have them, so long as all shotguns and rifles are kept unloaded and disassembled or disabled with a trigger lock

We all know how useful that would be during a home invasion.

I’ve been anxiously awaiting this for quite some time. Most are predicting a “middle of the road” ruling which affirms the Second Amendment’s original intent as guaranteeing an individual right to keep arms, but which also acknowledges the governments right to restrict this right in the interest of public safety.

I guess we’ll see.

I have as well.

I think it will have implications for interstate travel as well. The state’s differences and unwillingness to accept a CCW issued in certain other states, makes this a bit complicated. A constitutional right should not change in any way when crossing a state line, or visiting the nation’s capital. I think that will be a major point that this ruling will be used to cover.

x2… the gun permits should be a FEDERAL permit…

Its bullshit you cannot cross state lines…

I agree with the 2nd part, but I don’t agree with a Federal Permit. Vermont Requires no permit at all, a federal mandate for permits would bulldoze their state sovereignty.

You have to pass a Federal BG check to buy the gun in the first place. The permit is a waste of time and resources.

They should just force states to recognize other state’s permits.

The only reason I suggested Federal was for the ability to be able to cross state lines.

Yeah, I know you’re not for more restrictions on gun ownership from your other posts. I just caution you to be careful what you ask or vote for. There can be a lot of unintended consequences.

When it comes to these things, less is more. Less spending and fewer laws are the only things that will keep us free. Any new federal program would be sure to waste tax dollars in a spectacular fashion.



I’m not one to pay attention to certain things but thats stupid…how can you go against the 2nd amendment(any amendment for that matter) after its been in place for how many decades? I like how some of the people in this country think they can just change things overnight…it’s stupid…honestly going through with this ban will just make it so much worse in this country…illegal guns and nothing to protect yourself with

they have already been banned in DC for some time now, this isnt new