Montana gun legislation enacted


I saw this on Glenn Beck today. I love Montana. :slight_smile:

The State of Montana Legislature enacted a far sweeping gun bill, and the Governer has signed it. The bill says, that guns manufactured in Montana, and used in the State of Montana are not covered by Federal gun laws. This gun law requires no waiting period, no forms to fill out. Political pundits say if the Federal Government interferes with this law Montana May vote to secede.

Ammo too from what I understand their argument is if it does not cross state lines the Feds can suck it because it is not interstate commerce.

Why do you think its a good thing to not have people go through some sort of procedure to secure firearms?

I’m not talking about anything near the shit New Yorkers have to do but whats wrong with making people wait a couple of weeks to do a decent background check?

That’s pretty on par for Montana. I’m in favor of it.

I just love Montana. We were headed to Big Sky to ski and the Limo driver was doing about 80 or 85 and I said, “Look out for that cop”. He said, “Why, I am not doing anything stupid”? The speed limit on that road was 65 and it was not a divided highway. They don’t babysit every little breath you take.

So since they don’t have to do any forms, does this mean people from other states can go and just buy firearms?

How do they make sure that the person that is buying the guns is actually from Montana?

Why do they have to be from Montana?
Do you have to be from Montana to buy beer in Montana?

same as Vermont, no gun laws

montana is “red” country, plenty of native americans there. most of which are forest firemen/women, met quite a few in the military from there. you’d be amazed how cool CT is. jump through a couple hoops take the class and they do a background check and you get a CHL permit. walk in to a shop once you have your permit, it’s cash and carry. pay the $200 destructive device tax and you can purchase a silencer after a 6-9 week waiting period which isn’t the states decision, it’s waiting on the federal government, they stock silencers in most gun shops. same with full auto and belt fed weapons, pay the $200 tax, wait, and it’s yours. mount the SOB to your sunroof if you’re feeling froggy. i had to sell my guns and get a shotgun when i came back to ny sadly. it’s at least a Mossberg M590A1 Police/Military issue

They could’ve tried to do a better job of NOT challenging the feds >.<

Either they lose face or Montana tries to secede, in which case the price of cheese might rise a bit…looks like pesto pizza for me for a while.

Just read the bill though, this doesn’t apply to automatic weapons. Eh…websites for homemade silencers should quadruple.

No but I still have to show ID.

Also…are you comparing buying guns with buying beer?

Uh, how do you ‘prove’ that the gun is being used in Montana?

nm, op apparently did not quote from the bill itself.

“A personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Montana and that remains within the borders of Montana is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of congress to regulate interstate commerce.”

If montana wants to do this then the responsible thing to do would be to verify that the people purchasing the weapons are from the state that enacted the legislation.

I don’t see where it says they will not be asking for ID.

Yep. I could walk into a gun shop and buy a gun tomorrow if I wanted. No license or waiting period needed.

This works in more rural states where there is extremely limited gun violence. I could see some issues arising though in more violent states.

I believe that was half the point. Montana has been sick of the feds pushing them around for awhile. There seems to be a general consensus in Montana that they shouldn’t have to obey the federal government. I personally agree with them because states need to have some pulling power against the feds.
It honestly doesn’t make sense why the res of the country should determine how one state can live. We are to diverse of a nation for suppression like that.

Didn’t know they’ve been getting pushed around…I thought that they were taking an unnecessarily strong stance for the hell of it. From the looks of it, they don’t have many gun laws anyways.

Should be interesting to see how it pans out though.

Ok so to make the liberals like yourself happy…they should show ID like buying beer and then send yea out the door with a gun

This isn’t about guns; it’s about states rights and reversing or decreasing federal control over them. Intrastate vs. interstate.

“Gun control is a steady hand” I am all for this NYS is a pain in the backside and fight my right to bear arms, Erie County is no better 13 months to get a pistol permit is crazy.