DD and bringing home drunks

Somehow I usually end up being the dd but I still have some drinks at the bar. I usually get undrunk fast.

Being DD is the only time a 2-door becomes an issue. When someone in the back is yelling about how theyre going to puke and the person in front is laughing at them, it makes for some pretty epic battles.

Yea like i said, thats why we all drive trucks.


I should of thrown him in the back, he wasnt the puking type. Total suprise.

Yea, life is full of suprises

So who brought this guy home?

The main thing I hate about dd’ing is how a 20 min car ride can have 5 bathroom stops

Its more like, “Ill leave in 20 minutes!”, and it turns into 2 hours later…lol.

Or ur fucked up friend “leave me here, ill find a way home. Dont worry about it.” haha