Dealership problems /honda paint

:rofl: so we drove all the way out there to see this “specialist”… I think he was a specialist at a dickhead.

He looks at the bumper and say ok we will take care of it ( said they will fix that part and also a rock chip, but we want the whole bumper repainted not just touch up paint put on it like a cheap fix)
and i talked to him about why this happened. he wouldnt answer my question the entire time except at the end when i told him i have a 10 y/o car and a 35 y/o car with no paint problems, he said its because my girlfriend “drives more”
I told him I heard and seen pictures of many other civics with the same problem with peeling paint, paint/clearcoat issues, and mismatched panels and he demanded that the new civics dont have any problems. He gave me this big speech about how thin the paint is and its painted to standards. I said its still unacceptable and a brand new vehicle should not have this problem. he gave me some more smart ass remarks and walked away.

My girlfriend was babysitting her cousin’s son so as she was getting him in the car i told her she forgot about a rental car, so now i have to go back over and ask for a rental car. The specialist runs over and says NO you dont need a rental car. I asked him how long it will be in the shop and he says 3 days and there is no need for a rental car. I got pissed with his attitude and demanded one and he gets an even bigger attitude and says he has to talk to her since its her car… so she flipped on him instead of me and he said we can get a rental now.

Im calling the bodyshop to which their taking the civic to, and if all their doing is a “touch up” and not repainting the bumper there is going to be hell

Im suprised they didn’t blame the truck driver.

Update: now i have noticed the paint flaking off the bumper around the headlights and even more around the lower grille.

car is in the shop now. we get to the dealer and they refuse to give her a rental car so once again i had to flip out and i forced them to give it to her, but I had to sign sicne you have to be 21 (which they never informed her of that) they just said ok we’ll get you set up with a rental and she would have been stuck in washington with no car.

when we get the car back and the entire bumper is not repainted we’re both raising hell and their taking the car back to the body shop ONCE AGAIN.
suppose to get it back friday (tomorrow) but now their saying they dont know if it will be done. bullshit dealerships!

:rofl: I’ve seen too many neons missing a few sqaure feet of paint, although my wifes (an '02) is fine. Honda is not necessarily know for bad paint, but the clear coat they used in the 80’s and 90’s was know to fail prematurely. As for the dealership, the are doing exactly the opposite of customer service. Have you tried to speak to management? Try and get to the GM, not the “service manager” which are basically useless in these situations.

Also, try calling Honda themselves. Explain what is going on, and how the dealship is treating you. I have seens this done quite a few times and usually Honda will step in and force them to do what you want. My buddy with an 03 Si had dash issues, and after the dealership screwed up a few times and gave him the runaround, he called Honda and they took care of everything. Try it and keep us posted.

Rainbow Honda has great service. I’d highly recommend them.

another Update:

they call today and say that she wont be able to have the car back untill monday-tuesday now…

person who called said that the auto body had no idea the car was suppose to be dropped off since no one imformed them…
wow i cant beleive this shit!! well the rental car honda gave us, isnt getting topped off with gas and they can lick my ass if they think their going to try and make me fill it up and pay for it


got the car back, i refused to fill the rental up with gas from half to full since we didnt get our car back on the promised date.

we get the car and the front bumper looks like it was done like shit…

  1. overspray all over the front lower black grille,

  2. rocks or bumps in paint that were just simply painted over,

  3. paint is still flaked off around headlights,

  4. new rock chips OVERTOP of the “new” paint,

  5. tint on drivers side window is scratched up and bubbled,

  6. red paint or some sort of sticky stuff on the floor inside the car and on the ceiling and a pillar

  7. scratches and scuffs on trunk

  8. we were told that an interior blue light between the map lights was to be fixed since it was burned out. were told it was fixxed and it was NOT.
    ( jcxcr4000 would know what im talking about)

  9. pass. side handle you pull to shut the door has been broken since she got the car, we told them to fix it and they say that the person who tinted the vehicle removed the door panel and broke the handle and they can not cover it.
    (we plan on sueing them if this is not fixed under warrenty useing magus moss warrenty act) basically told the general manager either fix a $20.00 part or try and fix a $50,000 lawsuit…

  10. we were told to “fuck off” and got hung up on by the parts & service director.

  11. got car back dirty as shit along with autobody dust/ possible overspray, mirriors and seats all screwed with, and 5 bucks missing ( which we placed on purpose) from the glove box, mud and such on the floor from people getting in and out,

big fucking hassle, we’re about to take these fuckers to court and just have a REAL bodyshop take care of this car… then take the money from the lawsuit and buy matching C5’s :smiley:


I just bought a Honda Fit and have heard of some paint problems similar to what you’re talking about. Supposedly where the bumpers meet the fenders there’s a problem with the paint peeling. I haven’t seen it on my car yet but I’m keeping my eye on it. FWIW, I bought my car at Yenko and have always had a good relationship with them over the years.

we are PISSED with washington…

how can you treat a persons car like this…


we head into the dealer once again today to get the pass side handle fixxed ( i guess they thought it would be better to fix a $20 part other than a lawsuit)
we get in and they fight with us about how,

  1. their not fixing the front bumper, (there is still paint missing)
  2. not fixing the window track ( whenever there was pop or something sticky spilled it looked like it flowed down in between the window making the window track sticky and making horrible sticky rub marks on the window now… but their blaming this on the tint, and that the tint is causing it to be sticky and make track marks)
  3. not fixing the scratches and scuff marks that we received car back with. (instead the general manager decided to spit on the trunk and try to scratch them off with his finger nail)

also while the car was in service we were told we would have to leave the dealership lot or the police would be called and I would be arrested. (becuase i chewwed out the general manager for poor service and the service director for telling me to “fuck off” and hanging up the phone on me.) i chewwed them both out on the phone on monday.

after and hour and a half walking around parking lots near washington honda we go back and they said they fixxed the handle on the inside of the door, then halfway down 79 we notice that it was NEVER TOUCHED…

we then get off the highway and call the dealer back up, they said to bring the car back. so we have to come back ONCE AGAIN LIKE ALWAYS!

on the way there my girlfriend gets rear ended and the guy flys off. causing damage to the rear pass side bumper and destroying the taillight.

get back to the dealer and they tell us the handle is not whats broke before even looking at it… and that its the door “panel” that is not aligned. (why they didnt tell us this before we left I dont fucking know!) (they instead just said it was fixxed and let us leave)
finally after another hour and a half of waiting we get the car back and the panel is finally fixxed.

so now we still have a scratched up car which the dealer did, fucked up window track with pop or some kind of sticky stuff soaked in it, bubbles, imperfections in front bumper, still paint missing and flaking off the front bumper around the headlights, and a fucked up rear bumper… (which would have never would have happened it the fucking dealer fixxed the problem the first time we were there)


Washington and Moon, Falconi owned dealers FTL

?? falconi owns washington??

i’ve been wondering who i should report this dealer too also…
the general manager talks to my girl like shes 3 years old and me like im some convict tresspassing on his land

Why don’t you take my advice and call Honda? Bickering with the dealership isn’t going anywhere, what’s to lose?

we are writeing a detailed letter to honda america, and sure hope to have a response back within about 3 weeks… if not then we are sending the exact same letter every monday until we hear a response back

<<-- wants to hear what Honda says about this. I’d imagine you have documentation for everything that has transpired right? That’ll work well in your favor. While you’re at it see if they’d replace the car…after all this hassle, make it seem like that is what’ll right the situation.