Dear 94Gt5.0

it’s true. i got better as the night went on. I just need more practice. LOL

<3 you too wifey

that was a giveaway lol

You still didnt hit the trick shot though!! :lol

No. No it was not.

FML now im confused

carry on with this dumpy convo.

someone better let me know where da partay at next weekend, ive only gone out 1 out of the past 8 weekend days because of this DUMPY SICKNESS SHIT

Gottt Emmmm

let’s be honest… the trick shot is a little out of my league… i’m lucky if i made it anywhere near the table. LMAO

We shall smoke the stickiest of the icky, the ice juice! :rofl


Not gonna go there… :lol :tongue

yeah ive been growing Mapotma Ganji and Treesus Christ in my dorm room so we should be set on the Congo Popcorn.

Im gonna have baloon hands!

Adam… you’re an ass lol

OG Mr. Balloonhands from the BX would not appreciate this lackadaisical use of his nickname. Thanks.

Whaaat?? :lmao

Make me baconz naow! :tongue

I dont give a dead mooses last SHIT about the hands in which may or may not contain baloons!

Kramer you can try your best to dethrone me but John Latin learned the hard way that I dont fuck around

keep it up and you’ll get no baconz lolol

That was a $20 lesson for John :lol

Lies! :hug

I can haz that Congo Popcorn? You know what is. :lol

You alreadyyyy knowwwww