Dear drug users........

To be honest… we dont know what was happening in those 19 months. The paper could have just slapped 19 months on there to glamorize the “effort” put in by the agencies.

Who knows, maybe it started 19 moths ago when a patrol officer got a tip and from there, maybe one detective did some light investigating for 10 months before it turned into a full blown investigation.

Jus sayin.

maybe a bunch of office cops were sitting around pretending to work on this for 18 months, getting paid, and then they said they wanted results so they made it as far up the chain as they could go in 1, which is like 2 levels up.

I don’t agree with the “war on drugs”, but I can’t feel sorry for these people. They know what they are doing is illegal. I also recognize many of the names in there and I’m not surprised by any of them.

the whole reason anything is called a dime is that it costs $10.

there isnt that much profit margin in pot unless you are importing it and directly distributing to basically the end user.

SV would be something like… buying an 8th of pot for $40 (no idea what the going rate is)

3.5 grams in an eigth.

SV of an O would be 320. Back in the day, if you were paying that much for an O, for this I am ashame of you.

so on and so on. A QP would be 1280, a HP would be 2560, and LB would be 5120. Anyone that would ever pay 5120 for a LB, I have a bridge to sell you.

I went to highschool with Matt Hoak. He was a big jock, not they type of dood that would be into this shit. Oh well.

fuck ,i was wondering why my calls weren’t being answered

Yeah … I know a couple of guys on that list …

Deff more dope than they listed there … that was just what the list of “local” guys got popped with (hamburg,lakeview,angola,etc.)

it all started when that guy got popped on the t-way in 07 … he started the rat fest … he was caught with a few birds (kilos) … but was out of jail 4 hours later

lol does that show how much I know

Would u guize rather have our tax dollars going towards fighting the war on drugs, or being handed to Chrysler?!?!?! :meh:


lol at all of the people that I know from Hamburg. I can’t wait to talk to a few of my friends about this.

Ya I know a handful and went to HS with Matt Hoak as well. I worked at Hoaks in HS on the water. Great times. I am interested to hear what people close to this have to say. I guess there are still a ton of names yet to come out.

And you thought he just hustled blackberrys :lol:

Fuck, that’s not what I want to hear. I’m trying to get a hold of a few friends that might have been involved. Hopefully they kept their asses out of trouble.

lol. His deals on plans are just a cover.

I would make a quick call, but Shawn doesn’t get up until like 1-2pm

He should have some knowledge of this situation.

LOL. I’m just a retiree, on the outside looking in offering my $0.02.

Ahh, memories…

I should go into consulting.

yo dawg i heard you like coke so i put coke in your coke so you can blow coke while you blow coke

Free gram of coke with every blackberry sold with out a dataplan?