Dear Jam,

Thank you for the love note tucked so nicely into my top triple clamp of my black stallion streetfighter… its nice to know im loved even while at school. :wiggle:

next time leave your number dick, thats just not right!:skunk:

lol, i can’t remember if it was jam or jay that left one on my old sti.

it was so cute regardless.

probably jam, god hes such a whore.

arent i supposed to test ride that thing

I’m not a fggt…I don’t leave notes…

But I would for Chino <3

yes you are, tomorrow? what time and where. i had someone come to school today and check it out. i have a feeling its going to be sold soon.

no notes, just nudes? maybe a postcard with a picture of your balls, entitled, “Greetings from all of us at NYSPEED!!”


god im lame

give me a call, 725-5366

hahaha i like how u werent even sure it was me. Bobby G? if, so ur gay! lol i should have stuck in the other bike next to me.