Dear MSG Network,

Neale isn’t that bad, and he’s been doing the color commentary for a looooooong freakin time, so he’s obviously doing something right. He just sounds like kermit the frog.

Robitaille may be a dick, but he knows what he’s talking about and he’s pretty unbiased.

Rob Ray is the biggest fucking idiot ever. I can’t stand him. Ya know ya know ya know ya know ya know ya know ya know ya know? Ya know? Loved him on the ice, hate him as an analyst.


keep neale and fire rick i say. rick’s prolly one of the most biased announcers i’ve heard


Keep Neale, the color guy, and fire Rick, the play-by-play guy, and then do what? Have 2 color guys and no play-by-play guy?

That has got to be the dumbest comment ever.

Edit- and if you want to hear the most biased guys ever, listen to the NESN commentators. According to them, the Boston Bruins can do no wrong.


And Rick Jeannerrete is one of the best announcers in the sport, Biased Of course, but what team paid announced isnt?


there’s lots of announcers that are unbiased. i watch avalanche games all the time, they’re not biased at all. there’s other ones as well.

why does one think rick is one of the best? just cus he’s our announcer probably

^^ have you listened to all announcers? boring as fuck, and don’t know the game or the players. you are garbage for this post.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:22,topic:39206"”]

Keep Neale, the color guy, and fire Rick, the play-by-play guy, and then do what? Have 2 color guys and no play-by-play guy?

That has got to be the dumbest comment ever.

Edit- and if you want to hear the most biased guys ever, listen to the NESN commentators. According to them, the Boston Bruins can do no wrong.


you’re saying it like there will never be a replacement for rick. he’ll be gone eventually and will need to be replaced.

the one thing i hate about him most is his eggageration of the saves miller makes. most of the time, miller won’t move and the shot will just hit him somewhere or he’ll glove it. then rick will treat it like it’s the save of the year. i see it at least twice a game.

Nothing worse than announcers who just bullshit through a whole game instead of calling plays.

blah blah blah blah oh someone scored!

With Jeanneret at least I can look away from the tv and still know whats going on.


^^ have you listened to all announcers? boring as fuck, and don’t know the game or the players. you are garbage for this post.


actually yea i have heard a lot of announcers, and yes there aren’t a lot of good ones out there. pittsburgh’s isnt very good. phoenix’s announcer puts you to sleep.

and regarding announcing players names, neale infact did announce tallinders name wrong like 2 nights ago i believe it was, but just cus he does something like that, you gotta hate him? last year Jim would still be mispronouncing tallinders and lydmans name. rick still gets spacek’s name wrong sometimes too.

im not saying rick is a bad announcer at all. yes he does a great job commentating. i just think he’s just a tad overrated. i know a lot of people who actually dont like rick a lot either.

It is my understanding that being with harry neale is what kept jeanneret from retiring

he doesnt do much for me, but neither does robitaille. he’s such a negative nancy, he always plays devils advocate like he hates the sabres

Rick keeps the game alive, so He acknowleges all the plays and doesnt mind saying that someone was in the wrong on the sabres for a penalty if they are.

He sees everything and says everything, so he gets a little bit exited, It means we do Too.

Rick will die before he retires.

And I have heard many announcers

The WORST are the ones from VS/NBC for the sabres games with what they say.

Oh he knifed the puck away,

Those guys cancelled eachother out

And that guy doesnt say anything else to describe shit.

Aside from ricks “and miller makes the save”
and a few others he rarely repeats himself with analogys and such.

The WORST are the ones from VS/NBC for the sabres games with what they say.


:word: They suck

without rick, sabres hockey would not be sabres hockey.


you’re saying it like there will never be a replacement for rick. he’ll be gone eventually and will need to be replaced.

the one thing i hate about him most is his eggageration of the saves miller makes. most of the time, miller won’t move and the shot will just hit him somewhere or he’ll glove it. then rick will treat it like it’s the save of the year. i see it at least twice a game.


His exaggerations are a bit much, I actually wish he’d tone some of that down, but he’s second to none when it comes to play-calling. As for him being biased, not only is he payed BY the Sabres organization, he’s been a Sabres fan longer than most of us on here have been alive. I always find it funny when people call him the biggest homer in the league, yet he gets more excited about an opponent scoring on Buffalo than that teams home announcer.

And seriously, why do you even watch Sabres hockey? All you do in the ‘Sabres’ thread is bitch about how the team sucks.

neale is a good analyst, but hes not a sabres fan and sometimes he says things and im like “EW U JERK”

^ hahahaha

IE " well its 3-3 after regulation and it was a great game to watch if u didnt care who won"

I think its nice to have someone impartial in the booth with Rick. With Rick and Jim you’d think someone just got killed Chris Simon style with a slash when it was a tiny little tap. They blow things way out of proportion and are very biased. Neale grounds Rick somewhat I think. Don’t get me wrong, I love Rick calling the games and I’m fine with being Sabres biased, he is the Sabres announcer afterall. But it is nice to hear a smart hockey “outsider” if you will talk too.


I think its nice to have someone impartial in the booth with Rick. With Rick and Jim you’d think someone just got killed Chris Simon style with a slash when it was a tiny little tap. They blow things way out of proportion and are very biased. Neale grounds Rick somewhat I think. Don’t get me wrong, I love Rick calling the games and I’m fine with being Sabres biased, he is the Sabres announcer afterall. But it is nice to hear a smart hockey “outsider” if you will talk too.


That’s a good point.

Harry neale is a great announcer, robatille is great between periods they both do their respective jobs well… Harry neile isn’t used to covering the sabres in due time he will know more about them and start fitting in alot better.

To the people bashing rick for his over exuberance don’t forget that he isn’t only broadcasting to television, he is also trying to paint a picture of whats going on for radio listeners. He can be way to hyper spastic at times but i’d rather someone who gets excited than someone who simply says " And once again Miller saves it." He brings alot of energy to the table and his energy transfers to the fans.