Dear Red States;

Or the DNC, while they’re calling rural Pennsylvanians rednecks who cling to their religion and guns. :wink:

oh face lol

look at the lack of upcoming developments being proposed in the ATL area, which is the reason GA was “Growing”… there are currently about 27% that there was at the same time last year. GA growing has come to a screeching halt since banks are not giving private developers the loans they were previous… its amazing what you find when your company is based out of Norcross. Shit the biggest thing proposed in GA right now is a 30 story CCRC.



Exactly which part of that isn’t true? People bitch that politicians never give straight answers about anything, yet the minute one has the balls to call a spade a spade they get jumped all over and forced to apologize 23525232523x

haha good read

:mamoru: notknowingwhattheyaretalkingabout.tiff

Truth, in my experience you find stupid people no matter which area you are in throughout the country.

you’re right, Atlanta doesn’t have the largest urban development in the united states, nor the fastest selling residential developments in history, nor the largest mixed-use development and urban green space development, or the fastest growing . Just because the idiots you work with are pissed that their houses are worthless because no one wants to live in norcross hardly supports your claims.


I’ll give you some dumb comments that have been made but I was more or less talking about what I see is a specific plan by the RNC to promote differences between Americans instead of similarities.

EX. Calling those against the war unpatriotic, bringing up issues like gay marriage, and abortion.


If you’re talking western PA its absolutely true. Even the suburbs of Pittsburgh are terribly close minded rednecks. I swear that Erie is the new mason dixon line.

how about the fact the we do Mixed use developments as a company, as well as ccrc facilities, retail, pure residential, high rise, low rise, office… and the proposed developments are NOT THERE IN GA…

Where did I say anything about what is currently being built/has just been completed. I stated that future developments are not there, and how do you judge future growth of an area… oh that is right, FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS… Lets try this one more time since you are apparently to slow to understand this… THE WAY TO DEFINE FUTURE GROWTH OF AN AREA IS BY FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS, WHICH IS 27% OF WHAT IT WAS AT THE SAME TIME LAST YEAR…

jesus, its an amazing thing when something is a “walter fact”

i’m sorry, you are right, you are the only developer in the country, and have overwhelmed me with sources.

How do you plan on getting from state to state?(We will have tight boarders and no fly zones with zero tolerance.;))
Oh, I’m sorry this is just another left wing theory that would fail in real life so the actual facts are always ignored.
But hey it sounded like a great plan in the classrooms of Harvard and that’s all that matters right?

Whatever, as long as I get my guns, bible and the best skiing on the planet(AK).:eekdance:

and yet why are people moving out of red states by the droves??? lets see. taxes, taxes, taxes! that is all leftys can do i think.


Gas in San Diego was in the high 2’s. In that most liberal of states, California. I think you can scrap the red state argument. Ironically, it was about 25-50 cents more expensive there than here at this time last year.

forthekicks, when grownups are talking please speak only when spoken to. for the greater good. kthxbye

??? what are you talking about!? Are you color blind dude?