Dear Red States;


exactly… I’m nowhere NEAR making over 50K a year. But eventually I do plan to get myself to a higher level where I’d like to be making 200K a year, and IMO, half of it shouldn’t be going to the government or other people who are content making 15K a year.

It sounds cold, but fuck 'em. If you want FAIR for everyone, a flat tax across the board is what’s needed

edit: IMO, taxing people for being well off is no different than giving someone a job because of their skin color


Min wage shouldn’t be as high as $30 an hour. Its Minimum wage, no skill, no training, its bullshit work.

Yes a CEO should be paid 431 times its average worker. They make the decisions that keep the company afloat. If they don’t make the right decisions, Enron, Financial Crisis people lose lots of money. They have A LOT of responsibility in the position that they are in.

The person that just gets the Million happens. he/she would be smart to just drop it into a CD and live off 50K a year. This will always happen, It will never stop, I see it as an exception.

Ugh… I dealt with this before, read;

That’s too bad there shouldn’t be anything you or anyone can do about it. Life isn’t fair. However you’re complaining about people being given large amounts of money through inheritance. Isn’t taking that money from someone and redistributing it to poor people that also don’t deserve it literally the same concept.

Most everyone I know that’s in a corporate upper management level position works their fucking ass off. You have no clue what you’re talking about if you state otherwise. Most people attain those positions because they are good at what they do and are workaholics. Unlike a good majority of the people that never get promoted or aren’t ambitious enough.