Dear SON, how do wheels fall off cars?

Lastnight while leaving a parking lot filled with alot of bingo babes, I watched a 80s Monte Carlo SS ripping tec around a corner.

After he got that baby under control and the body roll similar to a cruise ship stopped, I noticed the entire front end of the car slam to the ground.

I said to myself, daym, does this Monte have hydros?

Then I took note on the most Woodbridge style custom mod, how to slam your car in under 3 seconds, the front drivers side wheel flying off the car, and going for a leasurly roll across the parking lot.

So I started loling, and watched the brake rotor take a nice chunk out of the pavement as it grinded right past me.

SON, what gives?

Tell your wheel falling off stories.

Yeah that is nothing. This is old but I can still never figure out how something like this can happen.


lmao, tampering. plus, it wasn’t a nissan :wink:

tighten those lug nuts boys!

hahahaha I laugh every time I see that video. I read somewhere that guy used the wrong thread lug nuts.

lug nuts are torqued properly or they put the lug nuts on backwards

ive seen it happen a few times, its very funny


Well DTS. (Since I do not know you by name) As by now. I am sure you have noticed that Monte Carlo, at my shop.

Let me PLEASE be the first to say that this “customer” of ours. Is, well. A my shit don’t stink because I’m better than you due to the fact that I sit on my ass all day and make 6 figures kinda dude.

He goes through cars like fucking crazy! Always decent cars too.

You know how in between building I believe B and C (mine and then the smaller of the 3) always floods in that y-turn? Well, 3 years ago he drove through it with his 92??? Corvette all modded to shit. Know how the vettes have the RAM air system basically ON THE FLOOR? Well, he locked that shit up SOLID! LOL :slight_smile:

He had a GNX that I had to rebuild the motor in, bigger turbo, this and that. Basically a BAD combination for a 3.8. Yet, because he knows all. I did it. And well, I was rebuilding that motor 2 months later.

Anways…his excuse for the wheel falling off was, and I quote;

“I am waiting for my awesome lug nuts to come in still. I could only find 12 to at least put the wheels on…so you know. You guys can put my heads and cam in. I didn’t think the wheel would fall off driving here. I only came from Mississauga!”
With a HUGE WTF!?!?! Look on his face.

He then quickly spotted mine and my buddies cars. (s13 and z32) and started talking shit about them. Saying how his vette would out perform and out handle my s13. I simply turned away at this point. My gut was killing me from laughing.

Then again, I can not say much because this is one of my dads old friends from school.

Meh. Now you know.


Our lot is a fucking RIGHT off right now.

It was pretty awesome, happened literary while we were side by side, the tire almost hit my car.

I stopped and asked him if he needed a spare wheel for that baby, he looked pretty embarrassed, and cockily said “no! OK”

When I saw it parked at J.A. I knew a post on SON was necessary. It’s got a nice rake to it now eh?

Lake Rice as we call it is pretty epic, love watching bingo babes try and take that beast on in their 1997 corollas.

My favorite part of the rice complex is how you can wash your car at 10am, park it, and by 11am it has a thick coating of cement dust from the concrete factory to the west.

You just read my mind 100%. I hate this lot with a passion. I used to keep my car clean every day. I have kind of given up now.

Oh, and the dude is standing in front of me on the other side of the counter now :stuck_out_tongue:

thats one way to get ready for a tire change

Two stories:

One, had a sidewall fail while doing a relatively high speed in South Carolina on I95. Got the car slowed to just under 85mph (134~km/h) when the sidewall finally separated and I watched the tire go down I95 in front of me. Coasted over to the shoulder used a bit of ebrake and down shifting to help slow the car.

Also had a center lock fail on me once, sending the wheel and tire combo down the road. Had to order a new center lock spindle after that one, not cheap :frowning:

That RX-7 had to be a set-up. All the wheels? Come on now! LoL

Back to the Monte.

Dude left a while ago. He has just purchased an Orange '69 Camaro (all I know) So he told us to just fix what ever is broken on the Monte so he can sell it.
I finally went to actually look at the car. It is in decent shape. Kinda beat up, looks mostly stock. We’ll see when I get her in my bay. Oh yeah, the spare tire he put on. Well, it’s basically just a rim on there.

Hope I get to see the Camaro though…and drive it :wink:

The traffic confusion in the lot has increased a lot since Monday I find. With the whole back section being closed. Makes for decent fun in my truck at night though.

I had an S13 ABS that with the right combination of tuner lugs and Riken PiePlates, would loosen the driverside rear tire, Just 1 tire, repeatedly. Likely a combination of ABS chatter and hard axle locking downshifts and just enough wheel stud flex…

but yeah, torque your wheels guys… If you don’t own a torque wrench develop a relationship with a tire guy or mechanic…

Family friend took his Grand Prix to crappy tire for a brake job, as he was pulling out the front left wheel popped off, they overtightened and all the freaking studs broke.

Fubard his fender and rocker when the wheel came off, not sure how the rotor/other suspension pieces made out.


Did they compensate for all the damages or try to make some lame-ass excuse?

it all started with my 88 sentra 2door hatch i was a pizzza boy and i beat her up she couldn`t take the abuse one day the rear pass control arm just broke and my car skidded side ways as the whole wheel and control arm etc., fley past me and hit a house then i hit a curb because i had no more brakes as the lines broke when the control arm took the brakes with it lol.

Watch your lug nuts guys, always double check. I’ve had several places including the dealership forget to fully tighten my nuts, and it’s happened to me too. Right after I was test fitting my spacers, I didn’t give them a good enough crank. Someone at SG caught it, cause luckily I ended up taking my car there the very next day.

We were drinking that night and I laughed to hard then forgot to ask what happened. It was a giant beater car so I didn’t think twice, ill ask him though, some how i think they screwed him.

EDIT: Sorry I lied it wasn’t just after the job, he went home and as he was leaving his house again it then snapped.

So they prob blamed it on him somehow.