Try giving it a small dose of asprin,maybe it will get better.
I thought we were trying to /problem, not fix it.
Well,nursing it back to health would be a better story to tell to family and friends…
oh fuck,what am I saying…I read that if you feed a mouse soda it will explode because they dont fart or burp.
Here’s a feezer you can use… it’s free.
That does sound like the best idea out of the realistic ones that were given.
on a mouse? seriously?
key words being: “least amount of grossness”. even using shorts it’s gonna be gooey.
freeze it in a bag so it’s humane and then you don’t have to handle it afterwards.
did you kill it yet or what?
I woke up, thought she was dead.
I began to scoop her up from her little wheel she must have dragged her helpless little body to in the night, when all of a sudden she twitched and looked right up at me.
I was gunna stick her in the freezer before I went to work, but those sad little eyes…I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
But it’s garbage night. So if she’s not gone when I get home, I’m just gunna Press-n-Seal her and put her out to the curb.
Ugh… sorry…
Aww, that totally sucks.
Can’t really think of a suggestion though better than the ones above. Except for the .22 that is just plain wrong.
poor thing, actually aside from all the jokes in this thread. i had a hampster die in june… and i cried. he was my baby for 3 years. and he died a slow, slow death too right in his wheel.
just put it down and be done with it. waiting is only gonna drag it out.
I was thinking carbon dioxide poisoning
sucks to read this thread.
aww it’ll be ok Minglor.
Like I just told Howie, she’s 4 years old, waay past her expiration date.
I just wish she’d get it over with before I take out the trash tonight!!
Poor thing, sucks to hear that.
inject her with some bleach… she wont even know what hit her and it will be almost instant with its size vs doseage. anti freeze works well too.
A brick. or a hammer. I got some fireworks if u wanna send it into orbit.
a brick, duh. :roll:
send her to space in a model rocket
that’s the mouse? A boa would have no problem with that.
hit it with a shoe they make a awsome crack noise
It is done.
Time of Death approx. 7:55pm.
RIP little mouse.