Will it work again v. I'm bored..


What else should I freeze. No I will not freeze my dick, because that burns…

yes that will work.

freeze another can of duster… see what happens

Freeze a thumb drive or a sd card…

Yes I think the kb will work…

Get a lighter

Freeze a pen standing up on your desk?

haha I recognize that desk, keyboard, and tissues


Freeze another pube that you find on the keyboard.

freeze the polar ice caps so we all dont die

Freeze time!

Done… Hold pretty good :tup:

Freeze your mouse pad and then shatter it

freeze a banana

Already tried shattering shit… with it … doesn’t work as advertised :frowning: If i do see a fly… he’s getting it !

Ain’t got no monkey pickles here

freeze your hair

freeze garbs’ nuts to the desk

Just froze my cell phone, :frowning: I couldn’t give a picture of my frozen cell phone with my cell phone only camera that i have at this point :frowning:

I have to wait til it thaws now…


Call up the Wilson Varsity crew and ask them for a favor.
