Death at the Dragon.

Did you not watch the videos?

One wheel across the line? the truck pulling it was hitting the center line or crossing it at times, and the ENTIRE 40’+ trailer was in the other lane and in some cases, in the dirt/gravel off the OPPOSITE LANES SHOULDER! Someone could have been standing on the side of the other lane and gotten run over! Motorcycle, pedal bike, joggers, gas powered bar stools… anything would have been run the fuck over!

Like I and vlad said, the truck driver should be charged with Vehicular Man Slaughter and failure to stay right. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY no difference in this incident and ones where a tractor trailer or another car falls a sleep at the wheel, or is texting, jerking off or what ever they might do to accidentally cross the center line and hit/kill someone on the on coming lane. NONE! Driver should be in jail for a long time.