This happend at Sacandaga on the way to Americade. Kyle & I plus the dude on the 650 who’s name I forgot. Came across the crash site a few minutes after the unknown riders death. Kyle AKA Patten has a better memory than I so I’m sure he’ll chime in.
From what I gathered it seemed like a classic case of Charging the turn, than target fixation. Which lead to the unknown rider cashing into a boat on the side of the road.(He could have also picked a bad line and ran very wide at a high rate of speed.) his leg was almost torn completely off & his neck was broken. When the paramedics got to him; they cut off his jacket, got a tourniquet on him, but he died a few minutes later on the scene. :Idiots
We were told the bike was a triumph he was on, but were not sure of the model.
So watch your balls out there & always ride within your limits. On the street I’d say never pass 65% of your riding ability and that’s a generous number.
If your new to riding don’t go hitting the twist as hard as your friends with more experience and or know the area better than you. They have free practice for a reason in pro races. Even Rossi has to do around 60 laps at a track before he gets to know it. So don’t you can master an road you don’t know the first time out. I’ll shut up now see some of you bums later at DND.
Honestly man, if you wanna have fun pay the fee and ride your ass off on the track. I cannot think of one stretch of road that is worth dying for…If you have no repect for your own life, at least think about your parents and/or your family…
It’s sad really, Those turns up there are unforgiving and can be VERY scary your first time out there. A lot of blind turns, but where he crashed the boat was clearly visible. I mean if your looking where you want to go you really wont notice the boat. It had to be Target fixation or a HORRIBLE Line choice. Even while at a rest spot I watched a few cruiser riders totally go over the yellow line & had there been a car would have ended in a crash.
Saw a crash on 9N this afternoon, they had the road blocked off outside Bolton Landing. We then came across the medivac chopper leaving Bolton. Was a touring bike of some sort own in the road. Didn’t see news of a death, so hopefully the rider is ok.
Yesterday evening by our Motel in the Village, I guess 2 bikes collided (1 female, 1 male) and the fire department, ambulance and police attended to the scene. I saw a stretcher, which I think they took one of the people away on, but besides that, not sure what came of the crash. We were just like 20 feet from it, and 1 second everything was fine, next second people were laying on the ground.
Gundam was pretty accurate with the Triumph crash by the dam. Basically, we came around the turn and medical personnel must have just recently arrived because the road was all blocked off with vehicles. I was talking to an employee of the fire department who stopped us, and he said the Triumph tried taking the turn too fast and collided with the boat. (I actually have the scene on the GoPro as my dad was wearing it on his helmet, but he was a few minutes behind). The fire guy said, “I’ve been in some motorcycle accidents myself, but, a boat doesn’t budge”
They had sheets up covering the boat and the area where the body was.
Me, Gundam and a guy from the KawiForums (Evan) proceeded to the dam where I started talking to 2 guys on cruisers who said they were the first ones on the scene. The owners of the house flagged them down for help. These 2 guys told me that the 42 year old Triumph owner was laying face down, his leg nearly severed off, and a broken arm. (not neck) When those 2 guys were there, they put his leg in a tourniquet and said he was still alive - breathing & moaning. Shortly after though, they said his breath got shallow, and then stopped. Emergency personnel then arrived, cut the guys jacket off, but was pronounced dead. Everyone says they saw 2 red motorcycle helmets, but it was only 1 rider, so we expected he may have been going for a ride around the lake and had a loved one back at a Hotel or something. Since the report says he wasn’t apart of Americade, who knows. Regardless, RIP. Looking at the motorcycle, my stomach kinda sank knowing that it could’ve been any one of us.
A motorcyclist died on the street he lived on after he drove into the oncoming lane and smashed into a parked car, according to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.
holy shit, saw this mentioned in an article posted in another thread. at first glance i thought the OP was saying he was a guy in your group. glad it wasnt. scarry stuff.
yep, apparently a few friends of my brother and I know the kid very well. Father was the first on the scene to find his son with a broken neck. Talk about a haunting image to carry for the rest of your life. Makes me quezy thinking of that.
Young kid made a surprise visit home from the service. Hung out that night with his friends at a fire and this happened. Fill in the rest, I dont feel right doing so since it wasnt my situation.
What i will say is the obvious, tragic mistakes were made.