Another one lost

GLENVILLE – A man was killed Sunday night after he lost control of his motorcycle near the intersection of Ridge Road and Washout Road, police said.

Kevin W. Haddon, 21, was driving a 2006 Suzuki northbound on Ridge Road when he went off the pavement, struck several mailboxes and a telephone pole.

Haddon was taken to Ellis Hospital by ambulance where he was pronounced dead.

An autopsy is scheduled for Monday, police said.

The investigation into the accident is continuing.

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Anyone know him???


A friend was killed yesterday as well . I know of 3 down and 2 deaths from this weekend alone

there was two more this weekend? what that bring the capital region season total too?

any link for the second one on the weekend?




Don’t know the guy but I know exactly where he went down as I saw the sopt today. I drive those roads to work every day. Very sad indeed.

I can attest that I’ve almost clipped a few riders in my days driving down washout when they come around some of the blind corners on the double yellow at speed :Idiots I zip down that road stupid fast myself, but always stay in lane due to how twisty the road can be at times.

Riders should hit the road if you’ve never been on it. It’s short, but fun. So are Gower and Jonhson roads in the vicinity. Johnson road is nuts on a bike.


Sweet, thanks

I know I said I wouldnt post for a while here but I have to. Yesterday i was going to also, but decided to stick to my “no posts until nov”… but what ever.

RIP to the rider.

He died the same way I went down about 2 miles from where I did. Sounds like he blew a turn and went off and hit a tree, exactly what I did. What doesnt make sense is why they didnt fly him to Albany. It was the same responders that would have helped him, and I was told by the people that took care of me that any motorcycle MVA if the rider isnt dead or walking around they are getting a heli ride to Albany. Main reason I am posting is because it makes me think about how luck I was to have made it out alive going down the same way this guy did, granted we dont know the speed he was going and I know I was doing 45 when I crashed. Make me think about my life that’s for sure.

While I love riding those roads, all three Adam mentioned, I tried to only push it on turns where I had a run out if I messed up. Way to many big ditches, guard rails, embankments, and trees. While the roads are twisty and paved very well, many turns are blind. We used to rip around up there and have spotters park up ahead on the shoulder and if a car was coming the opposite way we were, they would pull out safely in front and ride up slowly ahead of the car… so as you were blasting down the road and you saw another rider (we also used the snowmobile trail signal 1 finger, 2 finger, 3, etc to show how many cars were coming) you knew to slow it down and proceed with caution. That was the safest way we could “push our luck” back there. So please guys, when you are out riding, have fun but please think ahead and do it as safe as you can, I dont want to see a thread for one of us like this.

RIP again to the rider, and please stay safe guys.

i wasn’t walkin or dead and they gave me a normal ambulance ride. I was probably less then 10 miles from albany med.

it certainly begs the question why didn’t he get air lifted tho, if he was in the same area as you and clearly had at least as threatening injuries.

someone said that there was 2 deaths over the weekend, any confirmation on that?

must have been the 10 miles away part. It would take more time to load u in the heli than it would to drive like a bat outa hell in the amber lamps. Where he and I wiped out its about 30 miles+, air time. I had it on the bill last year but its not in front of me.

Although, I did get a ride in the meat wagon, 600 feet down the road just to get into the heli. Cost like $800 irc for that little ride.

if i were his parents… i’d want to know who made that call.

if anyone gets in an accident and you can still talk, demand to go to albany med, idc if its an extra 1/2 ride, thats where you want to b

RIP to the rider. It sucks to hear another one went down.

My Rent’s live a few miles from there. I use to ride them every day after work for practice, it’s where I tought myself to ride and run the twisties hard. Good couple of roads. Between the roads being tar patched and the wildlife, it’s a dangerous place to rip. If you don’t know the road, it can catch you off guard, and quick. I’ve seen many people on bikes or in car try to tear it up and they always go wide in a few turns they don’t know. I would vouch that they are some of the best roads in the capital district to ride. But, get used to them before you ride them hot. They had been putting tar patches on them for the past couple of years. Which only added to my training at the time. But now that they have a fresh coat of pavement on them, I figure it’s bring the riders the area back to them.

Ride them, but respect them, that’s all I can say. There are some turns that’ll make you go way wide, even if think you are a “good” rider. Actually, if you just ride the speed limit on them, they are still fun fun as. Avoid Gower, nice road, but it usually has gravel in the corners. Washout and Johnson were my old training track. Good times, be careful though.

We had an announcement at work about this today. I never met him but he worked at the Target DC where I do. He worked nights…I work days…but if I hear anything solid from anyone who knew him, I’ll let you guys know.

I knew Kevin , he was in my graduating class , an amazing man and amazing freind to have. He was not awake and talking and was pronounced dead at the hospital in ER , nobody was with him ether to say Albany Med :’( he will be missed by so many

sorry to hear about your friend.

Wow went to school with him - RIP
Not the roads you want to be hauling on unless you know them 100%…

Grew up on Gower- any road out that way is dangerous as a lot of the people that live
on them (from personal close-calls/experiences) don’t watch for bikes, or vehicles traveling faster than 25mph…

Also, FYI to anyone riding Gower specifically : Don’t speed up that last hill to Sanders.
Brown house on the right is a Glenville Detective, and he loves chasing down speeders and trying to run them off the road.

That’s seriously fucked up. Ratting out speeders when he is off duty is one thing. Actually trying to run them off the road is well into sociopath territory.

So, I had found out I met his dad and older brother they day he crashed. I didn’t even know it. We were up helping a friend of mine who has a horse farm in West Glenville. He had a mess from the tornado going through his yard. His dad lives next door to my firend. He came over with his older brother to help move some trees that were caught up near my firends house and garages. Very nice guys. We were back up there this weekend and found out that it was his son. The father came over and we talked with him for a while. He only was asking to help out some more if we needed any help. Very nice guy, so sorry to hear about it. Ugh, my dad and I had a hard time talking with him. You just feel horrible. Can’t even understand what he’s going through and there is nothing you can say to make him feel better. My prayers go out to the family.