Another one lost

Yesterday was the 5th memorial ride for Brian Myers on which some of the recent accidents have been mentioned and remembered as they guys knew them as well.

Ride say everybody.

I had this whole rant typed up about the G-ville police. But in short (I guess), it’s just F’ed up and scary. If you crash and die, does he go to jail? Just like that kid out in Syracuse who did a few years back because some hot-shot cop went off the road chasing a motorcyclist and died. If they go wide in a corner chasing someone and crash in your front yard and kill your wife and kids as they are outside playing, who’s fault is it? All because they were in their own personal car, not in a police cruiser (supposedly) equiped to chase other cars. It’s just sketchy. Their arrogant attitude and driving doesn’t impress me at all. I’ve seen numerous incidents on RT.5 which would suggest they shouldn’t be cops or driving…PERIOD. It just makes me scared of the thought to be put in a position like that. Off duty cop is going crazy trying to put you in the ditch, and you not having a clue, running for your life. It makes me questions what rights we have, if any at all……

Dang, it’s been 5 years. That’s weird, I didn’t see anything for the ride listed on Ride-NY.

I think it was mostly facebook and word of mouth.

I got a text from Paulie.

Oh every winter I watch and laugh at the multiple cop cars I see overcook corners and hit snowbanks/curbs. Honestly if they aren’t in a police vehicle and identifying themselves as police, they have no more right to chase someone down than I do, and they should be held just as responsible as a regular civvie. Then again, this world is fucked anyways, and the police (on duty or off) are considered to be above the level of citizens.


this would be a lot easier to swallow if i didn’t know some cops that have busted a guy for posessing so much cocaine, a crime where they will likely serve jail time, then go home and blow a line while laughing about it.

world is fucked up indeed

i didn’t know this kid but i have a few younger friends who did. From what i hear he had just bought this bike and was not very experienced.

My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. RIP


How much experience does he have before the gixxer?

I think it was his first bike. All i know is my buddy told me he saw a pic on his facebook page a day or two before and people commenting on it because he had just bought it i guess. it sucks :frowning: