Death Star over San Fransisco

It may be a repost but I searched on the title and found nothing so kiss off.:slight_smile:

I thought this was pretty sweet.
Not perfect but, not bad either.

Can you imagine seeing this in real life?:jawdrop::biglaugh:


lol thats badass


thats awsome i love it

that’s pretty cool, done really well i think

Some of that looked really good.


lol @ the comments. Some guy thinks he so smart because he figured out it was fake. :bloated:

i saw this yesterday. looks like it was very difficult to do

that was a pretty good job.

Nice. That would be pretty sweet to see in real life.

Wow. I can’t believe i missed that on the news. You would think a problem on that magnitude would gain national media attention. We need to all say a prayer for the safety of the people living there.

^ why did you bump this?

Because I’m bored and I have no life


more like pretty fucking frightening

this almost made me chuckle.:mamoru:

it’s only San Fransisco. who give a fuck?

Meh, there are nicer spaceships, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit San Francisco someday.