death to da beav

Wildlife Officials: Local Beaver To Be Killed

Beaver Said To Be Gnawing Down Too Many Trees

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. – A local beaver who is making a mess of trees near the Kern Recreational Bike Path has been given the death sentence for its crimes.
Nine trees have been gnawed to stumps near the Park at Riverwalk.
Now, state wildlife officials have issued a permit to kill the rodent. They have yet to reveal how.

When asked why officials couldn’t just relocate the little vandal, they said that is not an option because the animal’s nature is to stop the flow of water, which could ruin an irrigation canal or destroy more trees at another location.

ok… thats the DUMBEST response ive ever heard…

Oh good. I’m glad you are not joining the other team as thread title suggested…

Ha, nice Zong, I was wondering about that too.

Zong he can’t join another team when he’s already on it.

have they made you captain yet ?

I’m on both teams :wink:


skunk for GM


I can’t shit a bowling ball yet.