
k so i bought some decals of ebay 2 sets of 10 for 50$ and im just wondering if i put them on the car, is it going to leave marks when i take them off a year or 2 down the road?

just curious becuase im not sure if the next person is going to want them on the car and i dont want some outlines of the decals along my door frame.

They might leave marks… The paint might be different colors when you remove it later. p.s no more decals for you :anal

Next time you need decals… just PM me man, I can make you what ever you need. Its possible that your paint could fade differently. But I wouldn’t worry about it here in canada. There shouldn’t be any outlines left when they are removed.

also when i wax my car, i cant wax over the decals because then im going to be having to go with a pin and get the wax off. there not cheap print outs, there lasercut so its not a rectangle with a logo on it, its actually cut out. but yah, i just want a few around the bottom of the door frame, and im just afraid of wrecking the piant job.

its a black spec v so im assuming its going to leave marks! shit, w/e sell the decals now, for more money haha.i practically paid about 2.50 for each decal and any decal shop is selling them for like 10-20$ each!(RIP OFF) so yah. my bros buddies will buy them and put them on a neon or something haha .

I am sorry to tell you this… But 99.9999% of vinyl decals are cut using a vinyl plotter. Please send me a link to where it says its cut with a lazer.

Well if it makes you feel any better my first Spec V (black) had silver fire flames all the way up the door when i baught it. I rmeoved them the day I picked the car up. They had been on for a year and there was no paint fade at all. And yes you can wax you car still… Just go easy around the decals.

decals on the windows solves this problem… :stuck_out_tongue:

Or even better yet, no decals what so ever.

the decals are all about 8 in long buy 1/ 1/2 high so there a little small for the windows, i just wanted to put them along the bottom or the car on the doors. for a little accent.

mine are the same color as the ones on the dark blue car, different decals tho. also it doesnt say there but he told me on an email that they were, also there nice and thick, good quality, strong color, i like them , within the leters all the emply gaps are cut out to see the color
of the car through the holes.

seeing as your car is pretty new i wouldn’t worry too much about getting paint fade around the decals.

I could have likley did it for the same amount of money. You wouldn’t of had to pay shipping for your rice. Even for 5 year vinyl.

my rice! haha i just like a few along the bottom, im not into the big wing and folgers can exhaust, i want some more power and a little more look to the car.

i didnt know you did decals, but now that i know i will definatly keep you in mind if i ever need them again. thanks budd.

So are the decals falling under the more power or more looks you are talking about? :lol: Because I think that will do nothing for both. :nono

Its ok, my race car is going to have decals ALL over the place in a couple weeks here.

Are you getting paid to have the decal on your race car? If the answer is no then it is RICE.

haha “race” car … easy there, Aryton. It’s called a “track” car, unless your ass is sponsored.

Sponsored by my own company. Its more like a advertising expense. But since I do the decals my self its more like free advertising.Other then that I do get some parts at a highly reduced cost. Companies like Function7 sell me parts at pretty much cost for putting decals on my car, which I am fine with because I would spend the money to get the higher end parts even if they didn’t give me a discount.


I think Uncle Ben is cooking some RICE. :lol: :E

Do what you want, its my car I will rice it out as I like I don’t need a pole to tell me what I should do with my own cars. :finga: