Spec V Decals...

Ok guys If you have any ideas on what it should be called or look like let me know. I can do digital prits for decals too so if you want color let me know.

Here are some thaughts by Kris.

You guys should change it and put

“SPEC V.D.” insted :stuck_out_tongue: seems like you all caught some kind of itch… :E

I like Spec Vagina.

This thread is for spec v owners guys…please don’t post stupid stuff like that. I wouldn’t post shit like that if you 240 boys had your own.

:lol: LIER YES YOU WOULD! and besides… it’s just a spot of fun… dont get so worked up about it… :partyman:

Btw… rage do you work at a decal shop?

WTF man I own both. :partyman:

Is there any chance of getting the SE-R letters that are actually on the car put onto the decal? That’s kind of more what I was thinking, even if it means I have to pay for the decal itself.

I like the second design the most.

Kris if you can find me what font it is sure i don’t see why not.

my question didnt get answered :loco:

NO, I work at a place where I can make these for free.



LoL … nice…

Ok but where is it you work then??? :smiley:

You know that place… It’s in a Building… And it has a Vinyl plotter :E

hahahah OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT place… :E hahah its all so clear now :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the first one the most Ryan

I don’t know… I’m not getting any feedback on this. So I might not make any.

Ryan sorry I think that I like SE-R ARMY better than SE-Rmy, and the decals would look sweet if you could do something in like silver/chrome and red, or like a white changing into red (know what I mean?) any how that’s my .02