
Ryan, your signature pic is killing me. OMG :eyes

He he he, yeah, it’s a gooder. :slight_smile:

Pretty sad what one has to do to make people pay attention to Spec V’s. :smiley:

You know what i’m thinking of changing it. I have PM on the vboard asking me about it… Plus i’m sure it won’t last on 780 Tuners. But you gotta admit the Spec looks good in it. I’m just trying my hand at graphic stuff. I like my intel symbol… Ah well sorry boys :roll:

VB aksing about it? Like they have a problem with it or they think it is their sister or what?

If 780 has an issue = fags

Where’s the nipple??

hahah you said nipple, but yeah, things like nipples should not be photochoped out!

I have seen a few in my day :E and I figure it is just under the zipper not photochopped.

Well i wanted to keep a little covered. This isn’t a porn site so some class was called for. :E

Ryan have class? That’s Unpossible! :E

oh theres a spec in that sig? i just noticed it, but i’ve looked at that sig like 100 times :o

Kinda looks like the spec is in her, and she’s about to give birth… :E This is my sig on 780

Ryan, Make an intel logo with Nissan 240sx in it… :smiley:

WHat engine code?

oooh!!! make one with 180 and CA18… If you don’t mind that is.