Del Sol Question

Well,The first yeat (93 in teh usa) there was the s and si… the si is often mistaken for vtec because it has a vtec motor, but the actual vtec model started in 94 with a b16a3 the one you are looking at has a d16z6 single cam vtec engine. As for the leaks around the windows won’t happen until it rains, you get out of the car, water drips on to the seal then it keeps comin in. as for the engine i have one sitting in my garage that eill drop rite in it used to be in my 93 si… its in great running shape, or you can fairly easily swap a b16 or b18 into it. Also drive it if you can and check to see if ip grinds into or pops out of third gear, this is very common.

other than that good luck.