DeLorean to buy Pontiac Solstice?

In a Facebook message from DMC – are reporting that the DeLorean Motor Company is considering buying the plant and the platform from GM and putting it back into production as a new DMC.

The company’s current management is speculating whether their founder, who had a long history with Pontiac, would have tried to save the dying motor division, and are reportedly encouraged by the prospect of putting the Willmington workforce back to work. At this point, there’s no telling how realistic the prospects are – after all, today’s DMC does little more than service the old DeLoreans and word 'round Detroit was that the Kappas were notoriously costly to build and something of a money pit.

Either way, the company has reportedly acquired a Pontiac Solstice GXP Coupe for closer consideration. And we’re sure there’s an aftermarket garage out there somewhere that could outfit the coupe with gullwing doors…and who knows, maybe even a little Mr. Fusion for flex-fuel capacity.

In a Facebook message from DMC


Is this really what corporate America has come to?

LOL. Regarless, that is probably the best design of the front end that i have seen yet. Fuck the split grill.

I couldnt agree more^

I wouldn’t call a kit car company that bought the trademark rights at an auction a good representation of “Corporate America”.


I HATE that penis front grill.

Why is that bad?

Radio -> TV -> Internet

It’s just the next step in progression of marketing…

so, we are suppose to go with a facebook message as valid info? is there anywhere else that shows this?

do we get coke if we buy this one?

I’d say it’s pretty legit news since this page was linked off

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Looks like a Crossfire from the rear.

looks like a piece of shit to me.

Why keep digging up a piece of crap 80’s car?

Looks hot.

Time attack wheels tho?

Looks like a Solstice Coupe from the rear

Not feelin the front. Hopefully it gets more refined if they actually build it.

I will say that I was really impressed when I drove these cars. They would make a fun project.

Did GM ever get any coupes off the assembly line? I remember when i went to the wilmington plant they were just finishing up the fine tuning of manufacturing process.

Looks sweet!!!

Number I heard was 800 GXP coupes, plus more of the non-turbo models as well. Probably make a decent collector car.
I see plenty of them on the streets of Detroit.

Really? Hmm i wouldn’t mind a solstice coup. Would take a Sky Redline anyday though.

Yeah no Saturn coupes went to production

sweet looking but they gotta get those doors to open like the DeLorean…somehow