Democrats = draft?

Who better to discuss world conflict and doing something that somebody doesn’t want to do than people in a band…

Way to turn this into another God haters hangout.

Back on topic. Forced military is a horrible idea. Like I said before, the people in the military WANT to be there which is why we have one of the best VOLUNTEER militaries in the world. Because they want to be there and kick ass. Dilute that with people that don’t want to be there and you have an army full of people who don’t give a shit, and will weaken out military dramatically.

i don’t think party lines have anything to do with it. its solely about money, power, and control. basically the USA’s attempt at empire building and a sorry one at that too. and it doesn’t matter if your democrat, republican, independant or anything else. only those wealthy and in power (aka the alpha male) stand to benefit from it.

btw…this republican does listen to that

:tup: i like ya allready,

besides, its a bad sterotype that people have that people who are musically inclined are stupid… math and science wise, possibly, politically they (musicans) are doing more to get youth out to vote than any other group of people out there… and when they (the musicans) actually write there own music, (not huge popular artists) actual artisitic people, they are actually the most inteligent people to listen to. some radical, some mellow, but essentally the same message… soo eat that