Want in on the NY Democrats closed door meetings?

It will only cost you $50k.

And they’re pretty much just advertising it.


I’m worried that within the next couple weeks someone will end up going on a shooting spree and once one shot gets fired it will probably open a floodgate of copycats.


I am not worried.

Yeah glitch, it could NEVER happen. :roll2:


This would be bad?

Nationally, yes, because the system isn’t broken. People voted this congress into office and are getting what they voted for. Yes, a lot of them are out scraping political stickers off their bumpers because they have buyers remorse but that’s what the November elections are for. Nationally it’s hardly reached a point where violence should be an answer.

In NYS, it would probably be a good thing. For 95% of the state your vote doesn’t matter because two downstate politicians control the entire state. To me NYS government falls under the, “long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism…” part of the Declaration of Independence.

Jay you’re getting soft. Dead NYS dems = good. :tup:


If anyone goes on a liberal shooting spree around here, it’s either gonna be you or BED. :slight_smile:

You can say such things because you’re not on “the list” of registered gun owners like myself. :wink:

Oh that’s true. You’d probably have the MIB at your door if you posted that.

Ah well, it’s always good to not be cynical anyway.

I would NEVER use a gun because that would give liberals more of an excuse to bad mouth guns.

So no one wants to comment on the fact that for $50k you can buy your way onto these committees or the fact that they’re marketing this fact to the unions?

Sometimes I feel poor people shouldn’t vote but then I see articles like this and realize I am one of the poor people. lol

there is nothing this state does that surprises me anymore so I don’t know what to say. The only thing I can think of is get rid of these people in the next election.

NYSpeed group buy?

Yes the system is broken, because the parties are broke, and no one is getting elected unless there is a D or R next to their name. Our choices are so fucking bad that they are pretty much the same. I can’t get what I want, just a shitty or a shittier choice is given.