Dent Removal Meet Fall 2016

I set this up with “Poppa Dent” Nick, and we can use his Facility in Angola. It can facilitate 2 cars at a time indoor so the weather won’t be an issue. We would like to set it up on a time schedule so we can run this as smooth as possible. Also looking to do a small deposit for each person so that we can know you are committed and he is not wasting his day. There can also be people stopping in as a standby in case something gets finished early. Know that some cars will take more time and less time than others. Price should be between $50 and $200 depending on how much work your cars needs, no less, no more.

Time Slots will be

9:00AM -
9:00AM -

9:45AM -
9:45AM -

10:30AM -
10:30AM -

11:15AM -
11:15AM -


12:45PM -
12:45PM -

1:45PM -
1:45PM -

2:45PM -
2:45PM -

In in as long as it does not fall on the 8th.

Im in for any of the days. Just let me know where to send deposit.

I would like to take the 9am slot.


Whoops, forgot about a wedding on the 22nd.

The first 2 dates are ideal.

+1 on 9am slot and ready to send a deposit.

I’ve got a quick easy one, in for the 15th only. As early as available, $$ ready.

I don’t want to take deposits until we agree on a date.

:tup: you guys will not be disappointed. Nick does amazing work. If I had a car that needed it again id be in for this but he already took care of me a few weeks ago.

are there general rules of what types of dents can and can’t be fixed? size or area or w/e?

Can we post pictures of our dents to see if its fixable/how much?

On Nicks website it shows some of the work hes done. Im pretty confidant there isn’t much he cant do. He pulled 3 hard ones from a body line behind my door.

October 8 1:45pm :tup:

He can do just about anything. Just expect the price to reflect it. The 15th is looking strong at the moment.

Nick is a good guy :tup:

With this low level of interest, I’m not sure that this will come together. We need more than 10 people to make this work.

I’m not totally following. its not like he’s coming to us…Isn’t it AT a dent removal garage in angola? So if under 10 people show up to a business that removes dents, and will pay for work, they don’t want the business?

id be in.

He is not normally open at all Saturday or Sunday. He was reluctant to do a weekend at all. I told him about the turnouts we have had in the past, and the number of cars swayed him. For people like he and I that work a lot, you have little time for family, and you value you free time more. I’m not going to make him take a day for this, then only have 4 cars for him.

^^got ya.
So do we have an actual count?
With steve do we have 8?

I’m 100% just not this weekend.

I didn’t vote for the 15th but count me in even if that ends up being the day. I’ll just need to get out there in the morning.