Denzel Washington did What for the Troops ?!?!?!?

Well what he did actually gave me the chills. He is a true American Hero and I dont even think I would have the words or expressions to thank him in person if I ever had to chance. I was speechless with gratitude when I read this.

Remember this next time you walk up to the ticket window of your local movie theater with $10 in your hand.
The Media (Accidentally?) missed this one!!!
Please read this: The troops oversees would like you to send it to everybody you know.

Subject: Denzel Washington, and Brooks Army Medical Center.
Don’t know whether you heard about this but Denzel Washington and his family visited the troops at Brook Army Medical Center , in San Antonio , Texas, (BAMC) the other day. This is where soldiers who have been evacuated from Germany come to be hospitalized in the United States , especially burn victims. There are some buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher House is a Hotel where soldiers’ families can stay, for little or no charge, while their soldier is staying in the Hospital. BAMC has quite a few of these houses on base, but as you can imagine, they are almost filled most of the time.
While Denzel Washington was visiting BAMC, they gave him a tour of one of the Fisher Houses. He asked how much one of them would cost to build. He took his check book out and wrote a check for the full amount right there on the spot.
The soldiers overseas were amazed to hear this story and want to get the word out to the American public, because it warmed their hearts to hear it. The question is - why do:
Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton,

Tom Cruise

and other Hollywood fluff

make front page news with their ridiculous anticsand Denzel Washington’s Patriotism doesn’t even make page 3 in the Metro section of any newspaper except the Local newspaper in San Antonio .

A true American and friend to all in uniform!

Pretty sure I read this a few weeks ago… great actor and a great guy.

Would be nice to see more people with that kind of money doing nice things like this.

It’d be nice to see someone like bill gates who has more money than his entire family, his kids, their kids, their kids kids and their kids kids kids and all there friends families…you get my point, will ever be able to spend. Would be nice to see them do things like this.

Right. People more worried about crack head singers dieing.

Def a great deed.


You mean like this?

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Endowment US$37.1 billion[3]


Yet Bill Gates is “evil” and Steve Jobs was hero.

Denzel… My Manss

I dont think nick realized that vlad… Think He was saying wealthy people in general.

Bill Gates donates astronomical amounts of money, and if I recall he isn’t leaving the majority of his wealth to his family when he dies. Mostly going to charity.

I think pretty much all of it is going to charity, as is warren buffets money.

Jesus Christ it was just an example. Holy fuck. SORRY, ALL KNOWING.

After a quick look at that Wiki, Anyone on here feel like they are directly helped or affected by that foundation? Pretty sure im still up to my eyeballs in medical debt, I did get a grant for school taking $5000 off the bill. What denzel did was a direct felt act of kindness. Something people can actually see in effect and happen.

Haha wasn’t directed at you sorry if you took it this way.

More so towards apple crowd and the whole Steve Jobs - death of god - thing.

Plenty of greedy billionaires out there though that wouldn’t throw a dollar to a homeless guy.

If i had that money, Id build so many fucking animal shelters.

I was reading in Fortune that both Gates and Buffet have pledged to give 99% of their wealth to charities when they die. Buffet said in the article that his entire family could easily continue their way of life on only 1% of his wealth.

Although you may not have it good, there are a lot more people that have it worse that may be getting the help they need from those charities. You have enough money to spend on tattoos, car stuff etc. The people the foundation is helping don’t have shit.

I wasnt complaining about it or saying i deserved it. Just by reading it and what it says it seems like its one of those things that goes into the “greater good” that no one ever seems to notice a thing from.

Denzel is DA MAN!!!

Also (does not take away ANY credibility) but the story is rumored a bit, he did donate a large amount, but he didn’t fund a entire

Comments: Partly true. I contacted the Fisher House Foundation for verification of this rumor and was informed by VP of Communications James Weiskopf that while Denzel Washington, whom he says “has shown great compassion in support of service men and women,” indeed toured Fisher Houses at Brooke Army Medical Center in recent months and pledged “a substantial donation” to the Fisher House program, he did not “write a check for the full amount” to build one as claimed in the email rumor.

The additional claim in an early variant of the message that Denzel Washington has a son serving with the Marines in Iraq is completely false, according to Weiskopf. The actor has two sons, one of whom is attending college in the United States and the other is all of 13 years old.

Still King Kong aint got shit on him.