Found my get rich quick scheme...

“America’s hottest new export is made by hand.”

I lol’d, but seriously this is expected to be a $4.3BB market in 2013?

“There will be an explosion in demand, no pun intended”

Yeah right, TOTALLY intended!

By contrast, in the U.S. men are compensated up to $500 per donation, depending on their education, height and family history.

Why did my guidance counselor never mention this career opportunity?

God damn I do a lot of pro bono work.

That’s a lot of money literally flushed down the toilet.

Yo dawg, we heard you like to waste money, so now you can splurge while you splurge.


Wow dats alottta dough. I would feel terribly about little pint sized gremlin versions of me running around in Canada though, although I have a feeling there are already a few.

To think, I’ve been “donating” it for free all these years.

This brings up an interesting topic. Morally, how would you feel about your genetics being passed on through random sperm donation?


At first I thought I’d never. Then, after living in this world a bit longer I realized it can only benefit from my genetic prevailing in it. To many Clevons in this world being a baby daddy in the trailer park.