Detailer wanted....

/\ I dont think dave is faulting him. It looks like hes just filling him/us in.

Nah jason is my boy its not his fault just saying that it looks like singh was helping lance steal and it makes sense bc I haven’t heard from him since lance left

Exactly lol

Quoted for shortest KK post ever.


hmmmmmm well im not a fan of either lance sold me a aem wideband that said worked 100 % but when i went to install it he failed to tell me that he didnt give me the 50 $ power cable to power the guage, so for the price i paid for a used one i could have bought a brand new one with everything… scum bag… but scum bags usually associate with each other

no offense, seriously… but you were like a no body to lance and lance was a no body to you… Lance was one of my best friends, I let him in on EVERYTHING ive ever done and everything ive ever made money on… Him and brian were chilling at the shop one day and some kid came in with a large amount of silver coins, i got the whole lot of silver coins that i made very good money on… I threw Lance AND Brian $500 EACH JUST for fucking being there!!! Thats how much I care for my friends, when I do good, my friends do good… I hate to sound like a fag, but it actually hurt me when I caught this kid doing this shit… I didnt even wanna believe it thats why I didnt do anything the first, second and probably a third time! At one point in time when lance first started doing the powdercoating I actually leased a shop for him and everything so he and i could make a few extra bucks as well… What jammer has done for singh ive done for lance, probably even more… Singh I used to hook up too, he def worked for the shit I paid him for, but it was easy shit I could have easily did myself… I gave singh $400 to drive down to long island to pick up a bike I bought, another 400-500 (idr) to pick up a hot tub 15 minutes away when I have my own box truck to do it, referred him to mad computer work and sold him mad cheap shit that I could have got double for… Both of them mad friendly when the moneys coming in and now I dont hear from either one of them.

/making up for lack of KK’s post.

Word, you’re just trying to jump on the current bandwagon now that Dave said something about Lance. Lance is a buddy of mine, and I know for a fact he used to sell A LOT of car parts and high dollar wheels and what not to people across the country. Never, ever a bad word about him as a seller. IMO, that’s your fucking problem for not knowing what’s supposed to be there. The gauge worked perfect, he forgot to include a $50(WOW bank breaker) power cable, big deal. I’m more than positive if you went back to him with that, he would’ve compensated.
It’s really shocking to hear about what happened between him and Dave. Never could’ve seen him doing something like that. I have not a bad word to say about Lance.


Shitty situation for sure.

Bakc on topic, Jason’s a good dude and from what I’ve heard he is very generous to those who help him out. Good deal he has going on for sure, but unfortunately it seems as since pretty much all of us are getting more mature, people are working better jobs than detailing to make ends meet.

well as a matter of fact i did send him a message and i got no reply from him so maybe u can explain that one for me, and yes it was a deal braker because for the 50 $ more i could have bought a brand NEW one with a warranty and all the right cords

and back on topic, i know a guy that is looking for a location amazing detailer has been detailing for 30+ years

do you have a phone number where you can be reached jammer ill pass it on and have him call you

My Reply, Krazy Kid style…

L4B, No, I never heard anything about any of that.

Wabbit…Jammer=Lance? No, I have only met Lance a handful of times face to face. What I can tell you is I have wittnessed nothing but honesty and professionalism. I sold Singh and Lance my Rooftop business and financed it to them. Not only have I been paid each month in timely fashion, they chase me to pay me. I have also followed up on their workmanship and business operations to find they have only improved the business in many ways, including correspondance with customers and referral sources. Many people still attach me to the business knowing I was the 1st in town to offer it in a significant way. From all my dealings with him, I have nothing but high praise.

Singh is as trustworthy to me as anyone I know, He has every password to everything I have, every credit card number, paypal info and keys to my house, our studio and my brothers business establishment as well. The thought of him stealing or helping anyone steal is beyond my comprehension. Can he be picked on for selling potentially stolen iphones or other items…I suppose it depends on how one views things. He buys phones, wheels, baby toys , whatever it takes, on craigslist, just like many others…refurbishes if needed, and resells. Might some have an issue or have been stolen?? Maybe, but find someone who wasn’t made whole …or at least an attempt was made to do so. I am sure there are stories of a phone not working, or some other issue and I’d bet he moved shit around to make good in some way, but that’s part of his income and he isn’t doing anything that any Pawn shop or flipper isn’t… buy low, sell high.

L4B, I have no idea why Singh didn’t or doesn’t return your calls, but perhaps whatever relationship he has with you, the one with Lance as a business partner in the business I sold them, is stronger. Obviously you and Lance are not friends (news to me) and Singh is perhaps just showing some loyalty. Thats all guess. I am not asking you or them details, as frankly, I don’t care to. I;m sorry you were or feel you were burned. Thats happened to all of us.

What I do care about is what effects me:

  1. Singh has always bent over backwords for me and many people I know. Repeatedly, sometimes for good compensation, sometimes for nothing…and in the end he has a business that makes thousands a week, and a studio to show for what he has done for me and those around me. Now they are his.
  2. Lance runs the business professionally and I am always paid on time, as agreed… while that’s not praise, as its what is expected,what it praise is he has always done as he said and done the business well. That’s the limit of my exposure and knowledge of Lance. He has always been on the up and up with all our dealings. I like him, as do several people I have come to respect. I did the deal with Lance because Singh vouched.

Besides, I have contacts in the Jewish Mafia that carry machine guns and love to buy bad debt.

Look, I’m a business builder. I am an idea guy. I have built and sold other businesses, none for millions, but I had the joy of making others 6 figures…now those folks are friends. Obviously, 1st and foremost I am a commercial and residential building inspector and have inspected over 9,000 homes. I recently obtained my dealers license and a lot with a friend because of a passion. This too will lead to 6 figures… so I am not offering the detailing position as a way to generate income, its a way to have the convienence of someone on hand to fill a need, and provide yet another opportunity.

Quality of life has alot to do with outlook and work ethic. If you surround yourself with people you can help, they often will help you. If you are first a listener, others may learn to listen to you. If you are a provider, others will want to provide to you.

This thread was intended to find someone who fits our need / opportunity… not raise questions about a friend and aquaintence. I have friends that deliver pizzas and friends that retired at the age of 40… I don’t know every detail of either of their lives. I know how I am treated and I am careful where I choose to be. Lets let the off topic discussions flow elsewhere and preferrably lock this one up soon. Contact me via PM as needed regarding this opportunity.

Thanks Boost, Cossey, Sbardy and Walt and others for the positive comments btw… may your stockings be filled with Viagara and cockrings.

And just to clear up any confusion …I think Vlad is awesome and should become King… or perhaps a Monarch. Dudes legit.


very long; still read


well written, KK gives you an A+

This. This is how I operate as well. Well said.



Jammer, it was not my intent to rustle jimmies, just asking who is who…it was innocent.

When Singh left here throwing a torch on a bridge covered with gasoline…and it came out he was reading PM’s and pulling shenanigans behind the scenes, I checked him off the list.

I guess I shouldn’t have chastised the dude (in my mind) if I didn’t have all the info.

Sorry for aiding in thread derail…

PM sent.

I dont see how people can fuck over their friends like that.

money my man, money… whats different about jasons situation is you cant steal from a business your financing someone. They can pay 95% of the business and if they dont pay every last dollar jason gets the business back AND keeps the money… Thats why people do owner finacing on houses, its fucking awesome… takes someones $1,000 payment per month for 3 years and then take your building back the second they slip up on there payment… lance was exposed to sooooo much money to easily steal in sooo many different ways… you also cant steal from manual labor in construction which i think is the other aspect of jasons business adventures. Again, Singh never stole from me directly so I dont hate the guy, lance on the other hand…

As far as I know, we never met. Honestly I don’t want to get tangled up with characters like YOU either. If you’re going to judge me based upon a one sided story from someone else over the INTERNET… then I really can’t help you and all that does is show me how gullible you probably are. Bandwagons are like the cdta busses.



I don’t know what compelled you to write all of this offtopic shit out of nowhere, and on shift out of all places.

You know you can write me a message on facebook, or leave me a voicemail or send me a text if you felt some type of way towards me. Making these issues between you lance and me public isn’t necessary, its basically a show of bandwagon races and everyone giving their 2 cents into shit they know nothing about. (see madwabbit posts)

I fucking hate this forum but you made me come here and read all this shit and forced me to write a reply because I feel like you’re confused or something.

Please understand that :

I didn’t have , and don’t have any major issues with you.

I never directly, or indirectly STOLE anything from you at any point in time, ever…EVER

Yeah I stopped talking to you but it was for different reasons, and not for the reasons you might have assumed.

Me and Jammer go way back and he’s made a huge impact on my life as a whole and that comes through years of knowing him, It’s unlikely anyone can come close to being as cool as jammer has been to me. He always says how I help everyone out all the time, but he does the same thing and has helped me out over and over again. No one else has, and I don’t expect them too, but you best bet it that if he ever needs something that I can help with I’ll always be there.

You helped me out a good bit when I used to fuck with you back when lance worked at the shop etc. I appreciate all that and still do.

Also don’t forget, 400-500$ to pick up a hottub was a little off, the tub was 500 because I called the guy for you and negotiated that shit 50 bucks down and you gave me $150-200 to pick it up, which included the gas and what I paid for my helper too. NOT bad tho I still needed the work and was MORE than happy to do it for you. With numbers like 400-500 tho you’re going to confuse others.

Same for the bike in long island, you hooked me up with an extra $50 because the gas was much more than expected, and I appreciated that, but please I didn’t make $400 profit to pick that up, don’t confuse anyone on here. I made 150-200 to drive down there and bring it back. I was more than happy to do it for that price so don’t get me wrong.

This is what you need to understand

When I met you, you hooked me up with a lot of cheap shit and gave me a lot of deals and it was really cool. I’m very thankful for that.

You think I stopped fucking with you because of whatever reason, but this is the real reason… I noticed since I met you that you changed a lot as a person and it was affecting my ability to keep considering you as a close friend and someone I could trust and feel comfortable with.

I feel like you changed a lot and are becoming just like your dad. You became so paranoid about shit that maybe me or lance was doing that you let it control the way you thought. I honestly believe you either trust someone or you don’t. There shouldn’t be any inbetween.

That’s just my opinion based on what i’ve seen. Honestly your dad is just horrible… and I don’t need to, or want to go into details explaining why I feel that way, you know already without me saying.

I felt this way and decided to distance myself from you, because I rather leave the relationship we had as decent friends the way it was, rather than confront you with issues and concerns you would not understand. I decided to step back and let you do your thing and I would do mine.

Unfortunately during times with no communication people automatically assume negative, and you probably thought a bunch of different reasons for why I wasn’t talking to you anymore. None of it had to do with lance and none of it was because I was scared or directly/indirectly took or stole from you.

Not at all.

It upsets me in a way that we can’t be friends like that anymore, an

This is what believe in and this is why I do things differently sometimes than what might be expected.

Yes, you shouldn’t have jumped on a fucking bandwagon and just went with the flow of “YEA FUCK SINGH HE READ LIKE 40 THOUSAND PM’S WITH ALL MY PERSONAL INFORMATION”.
Some advice for you is don’t take the shit people say about someone else like its solid evidence. When people talk shit about someone else it says more about THEM then it does the person they are talking about.
I didn’t burn any bridges and I explained EVERYTHING about why I did what I did when and before I left shift. Yeah I justified everything as usual but at least I replied and explained myself while everyone was too busy pointing fingers and making their minds up while I haven’t even had a chance to respond for my damn self.

I don’t.
I could be a lot richer right now if I didn’t turn around and help everytime someone told me something wasn’t right or something was wrong with what I sold them. I would have a lot of cash in my pockets if I decided to fuck my friends over.
I don’t do that and never plan to. I value the relationships I have with the people that surround me.
The people that surround me are there because I want them to be, and for a while I put Dave around me because I felt like me and him were pretty similar. Turns out we aren’t. Dave will have a lot of money and I will have quality people in my circle.
I could have a lot of money, and Dave could have quality people in his life, but the choices we make change that.

We will pay the whole business off, don’t worry.

The bottom line is, im tired of he say she say shit.


I don’t have time for the fucking bullshit, I’m not MAD at anyone at all. At this point in my life I’m just making shit happen for me and the few people I have around me. I don’t care about fucking CARS and clothes and stupid nonsense.

Dave I hope you understand, and if you don’t I really don’t have the time for the back and fourth , it is what it is.

for everyone else, i don’t know why you read this fucking shit… what difference is this making in your life? worry about the shit you got going on and make some moves or something.