send me a pm when you get things up and running…i like the vet discount… and will show in the tip.

Is this for me?

how about…

Stage 3 Exterior + Engine Bay <– This is a super nice combo!!

(cos i always keep my interior extra clean…hehe)

We can do that! :slight_smile:

Please contact me individually. It will make it easier. I’ve already been told my prices are low (“almost too low!”). I’m not out to rip anybody off. The prices are a starting point, if your car is in serious disrepair I may have to charge extra since it will be taking me extra time and extra supplies. :slight_smile:

I just don’t think that it’s fair to charge one amount for a 1 year old car and the same amount for a 5 year old car. Many of you take good care of your cars, and the clay baring and swirls are the major problem. Some of you may know people with heavily oxidized cars and deeps scratches all over. I’m very very happy to fix up these cars, but I will have to charge a bit more than I do for people on here. :slight_smile:


COREY is fucking awesome, hes the man. Look at his damn accord, god its hot. People. hes the best detailer and his prces are literrally too low and god… If i didnt havew a 3 week old car id go to him. sorry for the bad typing and stuff, tequila owns me. and girls fucking suck with their cell phones and confusing shit and ahhh… fingers are numb so i cant do this anym,ore. buy fom him hes good

you are drunk :slight_smile:

getting pics of buick tomarrow…i hope you can do some magic on this…i will have $$$ soon

a ballpark price would be sweet when you see the pics, forewarning, the sunspots it appears the clearcoat has cracked from sun baking…some spots are 6-8 inches in diam…I would love to have this car shine…if its gonna be more than say 300…im gonna wait and just have it painted

Damn cheap prices corey! I really hope that everyone thinks like Dan fastandcheap and gives him great tips. At these prices, and the amount of work that he will pour into your car, just a little suggestion :wink:

Im sorry man, just the alcohol combined with her being weird and talking on her phone while we are LAYING HERE IN BED ahh its weird… atlest she can fall aseep in my arms. honestly I dont care about th damn sex, I just want to be with her…

Wowo, off topic. Corey is an amazing detailer. I will d4efinitely bring the CRV to you before I leave. 2000, white, never really cared for. Shou8ld be a fun time.

Hey how does it work? ive got a friend with a Black 03 Trans Am that has some swirls and crap in the finish, i told him about you, he’s very interested in gettin the car cleaned up. Where are you located?

Wow! A 2003 Trans Am ? Pretty damn rare. lol

Hey, wanted to apologize for those posts from last night. Corey is an awesome guy and an amazing detailer.

what i have something you can wax…

thanks mike for the props.

I’m mobile. I’ll PM you in may along with the other people that were interested. :slight_smile:

this be the buick, theres more on the trunk and such

yay corey…i will be making an appointment as soon as ur takign them

That clear coat is definitely gone. :frowning: I wouldn’t do that to you–I probably wouldn’t be able to make that look that much better, if at all.

Willard asked me if I could help the scratches on his bike, but I decided to polish the whole thing. Some of the…shabangshabangs… are being replaced.

looks like candy

Thanks Corey…i guess shes getting painted