
Does anyone know anything about this company? I was thinking of taking one of these seminars. Opinions? Input? Thanks

Heres the link:

Look at this guy. Doesnt look like a detailer 2 me.

do detailers have certain a look?

I don’t think so but if that picture speaks for his work its going to suck. What are you trying to learn?

just doesnt look like a detailer. Looks like a … hey baby wanna go for a ride in my daddy’s porsche???

Basically how to use the Porter cable, which pads to use which polishes for different grades of scratches or marring.

I’m very interested in learning all the proper techniques, don’t really want to experiment on MY car :bigthumb:

Honestly i think your best going to someone u know does a great job. And have them spend some time teaching u some technics. Reading bout it is ok. But hands on is way better. Just take a inlaw or family membes car and say ur gonna clean it they never say no lol

Thats what I was going to say. I’m sure the person teaching you won’t ask for money either.

haha I like the way you think!

Great Idea the only problem is I don’t know anyone who is good with detailing.

you realize that this is a seminar and not a book. So, the guy pictured is most likely an instructor that shows you what to do.

Detailking…ROFLMAO!!! Waste of ur time n fucking money man,seriously. If u want to learn about detailing i could take some time n speak with u about it

yeah, and i checked some fo his products out on the website. some of his dressing looks oddly familar. kinda like pro details products, just repackaged.

The guy that owns this place is my cousin. He’s a really nice, laid back guy and a lot of people go to his seminars and he has been getting a lot of good feedback from it, so much so he’s planning on opening one up in California. The seminars are very hands on and you learn a lot.

Also, my car gets done by the seminars twice a year and the products and work are outstanding. I know people that do detailing on the side and they were all impressed in how the car turned out with his products compared to what they have used.

Don’t know what else to say really. Anymore questions, let me know. ftw

I am an avid Porter Cable user myself. I have greatly researched all different teqhniques, so if you need help, get at me. I detail on the side for money. If you want pics of some of my work, don’t hesitate to ask.

As for Pads. Edge 2000 Pads. No question, best there is.

Some of my favorite products are Poorboy’s World Products. They have some of the best polishes and sealants IMO. is a great place if you need help. Tons of information there.